Chapter 3: The Fang of Penitence

Start from the beginning

"Got it! Is this medicine?" She looked quizzingly at the box.

You really shouldn't have done that.

I was proven correct when Kiryu quickly stood up and snatched the box from Yuki's hand. A furious expression laid on Kiryu's face.

"It's none of your business." He walked off.

"Zero! Hey where are you going?! Are you not feeling well?" Yuki shouted after him as she attempted to follow him.

"Zero! You can't just leave without telling anyone!" She shouted right from the gate.

Kiryu doesn't respond to her as he continues walking and is already a great distance away.

Yuki looked at Kiryu's direction then back at the Moon Dorms, contemplating whether to follow him or continue the inspection.

"You go ahead. I'll stay here to finish the dorm inspection." I offered.

"Really! Thanks! I promise I'll make it up to you!" She shouted as she followed Kiryu.

I stood there for a while before I turned to walk back to the Moon Dorms.

I'll let them sort it out between them.

I lightly knocked on the giant doors of the Moon Dorms. I sensed Ichijou at the door, when he opened it he gave a gentle smile.

"Sayomi, are you the only one? Where are Yuki and Zero?" He said as he stood by the door.

"Yes. Yuki and Kiryu had something to do so I'll be the only one doing the inspection."

"I see. Then come in." He smiled as he opened the door wide enough for me to enter.

I entered to see a lavish living room. There were two couches and a coffee table in the middle of the room, on my left side was a staircase that leads to the night class's rooms.

There were some night class students already dressed in their uniforms in the living room. Senri Shiki and Rima Tooya were sitting close to each other on the couch as they nibbled on Pocky. Aidou, in his sleepwear and still moping with Akatsuki at his side, shallowly comforting him, sat on the opposite side from Shiki and Tooya, Souen was standing near them.

Some glanced at me, I slightly bowed in their direction as a greeting.

Since some of the night class students are here, it must mean Kuran is up in his room.

"Now then, I'll finish up the inspection before your classes begin. If you'll excuse me." I walked up the staircase to the Moon Dorms.

I made my way up the stairs until I reached the first room I spotted. Once I stepped inside, I sensed around the room to find any items hidden. There were no items that broke the moral code of the school in the room.

Including that isn't here.

For the next few minutes, I've entered the rooms and sense anything suspicious in the room. Seems like the night class has already cleaned up, though I can't say the same for Ichijou.

I have already searched all the rooms, the only one left is... Kuran's.

Though, I should be extremely careful searching the room. Especially in Kuran's presence.

I lightly knocked on his dorm door. I heard a light "come in", so I entered the room. I saw Kuran sitting in a chair, holding a chess piece in his hand and next to him was a chess board. He looked at the chess piece in deep thought until he looked over at me.

"I hope you don't mind Kuran-senpai but I'll need to inspect your room like the others." I solemnly explained.

"Of course. It's your duty as part of the Disciplinary Committee. Please take your time. If you don't mind, I'll stay here." He said with a smile as he put back the chess piece on the board.

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