Chapter number Two(глава два)

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on behalf of Kay***

Well, the day began so uninteresting and boring. No, I don't mean that I want problems :'^

( By the way, I said that the Chapter will be Russian. But, no. The next Chapter will be either in Russian or in Some other language:' > )

The day went on as usual. Calm, and no problems. So I decided to go for a walk. But my brother, PKO, came
—PKO? what are you doing here? - I said.
— Aren't you happy to see me?? - спросил он. (СЕЙЧАС НА РУССКОМ: я очень рад видеть своего братика, но я сейчас гулять вообще то иду. А обычно, он не разрешает одному мне гулять...)
—No, I'm glad... - сказал я.
— Let's go inside, did you specifically choose this outfit for me?
— yes... - (простите, я переводы с помощью переводчика. По этому, будут некоторые нюансы. - Sorry, I translate with a translator, and sometimes there will be errors in the words)

We watched movies and ate delicious food. It would be nice if PKO didn't try to kiss me...Well, what? My inner voice spoke in two voices. That is, for example. The angel and the DemonThe angel spoke: "Come on, respond to his kiss.The other said: "No, phew! How can you be like this?...I just pushed him away and ran to my room. I had no choice but to just cry...My own brother, PKO, turned out to be gay
The next morning, I got up and went to talk to the PKO. I waited for him to Wake up, then sat on his bed...
PKO said "What happened?"
I looked into his eyes and finally, after 5 minutes, I was able to say: "nothing, I just realized that you are very dear to me...and I like you. I've never really felt that way" - ( Он говорит про чувства, которые испытывает к своему Брату.)
PKO was silent, but then said. "Really? what happened yesterday?"
I thought about it, and I said, "I just didn't understand my feelings yet. Now, I'm sure I like you." - он не разобрался в своих чувствах, но позже после поцелуя, все таки понял, что он очень дорог ему, и очень сильно любит.

We lived long and happily!

Tko & Key O Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя