Yuta seemed to disagree as he shook his head in disagreement. "I can't let you buy─" you quickly covered his mouth with the palm of your hand to shut him up.

"Choose." you glared playfully.

He finally gave up and started to check out all the bracelets to match with you before stumbling upon a cheap pair of black and white ones, they were simple but fancy. He took it and showed it to you, "This one because it's cheaper." He smiled cheekily.

"That's not what I asked." You pouted. "Don't worry about the price."

His face became red as he pursed his lips in realization. He placed the one he had chosen back at the table and looked around until two black bracelets with a cute ghost caught his eye. The ghosts were magnets too so they could attach, and when attached it looked as if they were holding hands.

"This one." He said chuckling slightly at the cute ghost that reminded him of you.

You paid for the bracelets and then thanked the seller.

Yuta took one and softly wrapped it on your wrist and then did the same with his. Your cheeks flushed a red before you felt a very strong slap on the back of your head.

"Look at these guys flirting!" Panda came from behind, following Toge and Maki.

You rolled your eyes playfully at his comment. "Shut up...."


You were now sitting on some stairs while chatting with your friends, as always Toge stayed quiet while Maki and Panda insulted each other. You were also engaging in the fight as a joke as Yuta chuckled softly.

However, you couldn't shake off your feeling of discomfort. Something was bothering you and you had to do something. So you stood up and spoke up, "I'll be back! Going to take a shit."

Toge nodded silently while showing a thumbs up.

"Hope it doesn't get stuck." Maki retorted.

"Take your time," Panda said.

"Be careful and don't get lost," Yuta said.

You nodded and muttered thanks before leaving off. You didn't particularly know where you were going, you just went to wherever your legs went, and honestly, they seemed to be correct because you had walked to a part of the area that wasn't very crowded, there were barely even people.

You felt a presence behind you not too far, and they seem to be following you. You quickly took a few turns before turning to the right and hiding behind the wall. As soon as you saw their shadow and their body making a right turn, you grabbed the switchblade that you always bring with you on your thigh and you were ready to point it at the person's neck as a threat.

Your attempt had failed miserably. The person was a tall and slim man who had his long dark hair tied up behind his head. He grinned as he grabbed your wrist strongly. "As expected, you came."

You used all of your strength to escape his grip, but it only seemed to get stronger. The knife you were holding had fallen to the floor as your grip loosened around the knife. You groaned silently, you were now sure he had left some bruises on your wrist with his grip alone.

"Who are you?" was the only thing you could say in a situation like this. You didn't know who he was but you knew he was strong, so it was better to hide your cursed energy for the moment until he reveals more about himself.

He laughed. "You must be a student from Satoru."

Your eyes twitched slightly, the fact that he knew your teacher and called him by his first name...meant they knew each other. That was very bad news for you, but this man was threatening your life whether he was a friend or a foe.

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