The Night

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It was late at night this is what my room looked like

Jayden had to sleep in my room with me i made him sleep on the couch so I could have the bed all the myself I

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Jayden had to sleep in my room with me i made him sleep on the couch so I could have the bed all the myself

t was storming and I'm not that scared of them so I was on my phone the keep me from not getting scared.
Jay-What you doing up at 9
Me-looking at my insta
Jay-Why do you have insta
Me-Cause Tony said I can only have it if Lopez is at the end
Jay-what you doing next week
Me-trying out for dance,going to the beach,and other stuff
Jay-Wow your pretty busy for a 5 yr old.
Me-Im almost 6 so 5-
Jay-ok ok
Then Daisy opened the door.
Me-Hey Daisy
D-Hi,what r u doing up at 9 45
Jay-you know I'm here right
D-oh sorry
Me-Im on Instagram
D-okay bye girl and guy
Jay&me-bye Daisy
Me-Imma watch TV
Jay-can I watch sure
Me-where watching Dance Mom's
He didn't say it loud so other people in the house could hear
Me-oh well it's my room
Jay-Fine we can watch it
I said turning on dance mom's I was  singing the song Maddie was dancing to
Jay-i didn't know u can sing
Me-I guess I didn't notice
It's been a couple hrs Jay was facetiming his girlfriend. Then I fell asleep 😴😴😴

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