Reepicheep (reepicheepthemouse)

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Liked by Lucythevaliant at 3549 others

reepicheepthemouse: No caption needed...

lucythevaliant: Love this picture, Reep! You look so cute!🥰

reepicheepthemouse: 😑

lucythevaliant: Sorry! I'm still getting used to not calling you that!

smarteustace: There's nothing 'cute' about him!😒

edmundthenarnianking: Umm... I think that's you...

smarteustace: HEY!

smarteustace: He makes no sense! I have a rather ingenious imagination!😏

edmundthenarnianking: Really? Because your username doesn't seem very imaginative to me...

kingcaspianx: Only a Narnian would understand this anyway!

smarteustace: There they go again with all of this Narnia rubbish😒🙄

kingcaspianx: Narnia is real!

smarteustace: No it isn't!

edmundthenarnianking: Wow, I am baffled by your use of incredible creativity in that comeback🙄

smarteustace: You're all mad, the lot of you!😒

highkingofnarnia: FOR NARNIA!

susanpevensie: Oh, shut up!

lucythevaliant: Just ONE post where you don't fight PLEASE!😑

reepicheepthemouse: Queen Lucy is right!

lucythevaliant: Thank you, Reep!

smarteustace: How long will you keep up this awful charade for?! I can see right through it, because I'm smart!😏


edmundthenarnianking: *falls off chair*

highkingofnarnia: You weren't even on a chair, Ed🙄

edmundthenarnianking: It's for dramatic effect, Peter😑

kindcaspianx: You're all drama kings😉

kingcaspianx: See what I did there?! Kings!😂😂

susanpevensie: Caspian, I love you, but that was a terrible joke...

susanpevensie: Almost as terrible as Eustace's face!

lucythevaliant: Oh no Susan, not you too!

susanpevensie: Sorry Lucy, I couldn't help myself😶

smarteustace: HEY! At least I'm not living in an imaginary world!

smarteustace: Narnia? Pfft!

highkingofnarnia: FOR NARNIA!

lucythevaliant: I'm going to go prematurely grey...😑

smarteustace: Great, then you'll be even uglier than usual!😂

highkingofnarnia: HEY! That's my sister!

smarteustace: Which means that you're BOTH ugly!

highkingofnarnia: FOR NARNIA!

lucythevaliant: STOP IT!

A/N: Hi! sorry I haven't updated for a while, I was stumped for ideas... Even this chapter I'm not completely happy with, but I hope you enjoy reading it all the same! I've updated 3 separate books today, as I haven't updated a couple of them for a while! Thanks so much for reading, it means a lot to me!

Lots of love


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