Dammit Connie!!

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You should murder the skinny baldy! Oh~ kill was an understatement... You will S-L-A-U-G-T-H-E-R him! It started with him telling Sasha... Then Reiner...then Bertolt heard it from Annie who heard it from Ymir, who surprisingly screamed about it at the lunchroom. So yeah...
Connie Springer of the Scout Regiment was a dead..man...

"Holy shit (Name)!" Christa said one day during the training exercise. "You mean to say that he slept with you?"

You took a very, very, deep breath. With your (h/c) bangs covering the hickeys that Levi had left on your neck. You didn't want to do this, oh, you wanted to run away and possibly hide.

Maybe I should take a sign and lay outside of Wall Rose saying: 'Please eat me, you monstrous titans!' You shook your head in defeat. To think, just earlier... That happened...

"(Name)! Congratulations on getting laid! Did you scream?" Annie sneered in a mocking tone.

"I probably screamed louder than you when you get it on with Reiner," You jeered back, mocking her. She flipped you off with a sharp glare, but you laughed.

"(Name), please don't piss off Annie," Christa warned you. "She is the one who can tell Commander about...last night..."

Your (e/c) eyes widened as you recalled that Erwin still had yet to learn. She noticed your fear and hugged you tightly.

"Please," you ran to Annie and wrapped your fingers around her collar. "Don't tell Erwin, I beg of you!"

"Maybe I will tell him and maybe I will have you removed..." She smirked and she walked away.

You gulped and feel to your knees then started horrified. You had to warn Levi!

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