"What did you think, Ved?" Ali asked with excitement.

"Hmm... It has come out well." Ved said with a thoughtful face. He was a little reluctant. I looked at the card in his hand too and it was not that attractive.

"But?" Ali asked again.

"But I feel I don't know... I might be wrong but something is off with fonts." Ved said again as I saw Dadi, Dadu, and Renee smiled and look at Ali who frowned.

"Exactly!" Dadi said.

"Do you think so too?" Ved asked raising his eyebrows.

"Of course, we all told her the same but she didn't listen to us," Dadu said.

"What is off?" Ali asked looking at the card in her hand.

"I don't know. I'm not good with that but well, when I see it then it didn't look attractive." Ved said giving the card one more look.

"That's the thing," Dadi said again with a nod.

"Fine. Renee just comes with me tomorrow. We will change this." Ali said crooking her eyebrows.

"Okay," Renee said letting out a laugh.

"What else?" Dadi asked looking around.

"Mehendi girls?" She asked like a strict teacher asking about homework.

"Done. They will come some 2 hours before the ceremony." Ali said with a nod.

"Okay, then Chooda and Puja?" She asked again looking into her notebook.

"That's done as well," Renee said.

"Haldi?" She asked, further checking.

"I don't know. Mom is looking into it." Ali said.

"Then ask her. We don't want anything at the last minute." Dadi said making me chuckle. I and Ved exchanged one look with smiles.

"I have talked to Guruji. So that's done too." Dadi said again.

"Rest decoration people. They need to switch the decorations on time. You have detailed them, right?" Dadi asked. Dadu was looking at her with amusement.

"Yes, Dadi. You just think too much." I said with a smile.

"Afterall her eldest granddaughter's wedding is there." Dadu said putting a sly smile. We all chuckled.

"Of course, I wasn't even this excited for my own daughter's wedding." Dadi said genuinely. Oh! I can totally understand why.

"Shit!!!" We all looked at Ali who has terrifying expressions.

"I still don't have the people to capture all those beautiful moments." She said getting panic.

"Ved?" I asked giving a questioning look. He looked at Ali.

"Yes, I talked to people about it. They will be here and shoot as you want them too." He said making me smile. I was impressed.

Ali has priceless expressions as she grinned widely looking genuinely happy.

"Are you serious?" She said getting up from her seat with all excitement. Ved gave her a nod.

"You are amazing!" She said containing her emotions. We all were just smiling looking at her.

"Are those wedding photographers?" I asked him.

"Umm..." He said looking at me, "No."

I threw a questioning look at him. I saw Ali with the same expressions.

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