My issues with Role-play

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It's been a day or two and I've had a lot of time to think. And I love everyone because everyone is amazing but I have a few issues with how we act towards others. We tend to do it subconsciously and not realize, I even do it so...but I'm gonna try to change my ways.


I'm not gonna make any new OC's, I'm tired of them being glossed over like their just a basic character that I took an hour to make. I'm trying to keep up with everyone else with the aesthetics, collages, and pretty fonts but it takes up so much of my time, I don't want to do it if all I get is an accepted and forgotten in a roleplay it's telling me that I'm not making likable character anymore.

My characters are obviously not likable enough to role-play with right now so why am I gonna make aesthetics for someone who I have not put all of my hard work into, it maybe a little thing to get a few nice comments on your character but it's what motivates me to make new characters, do role-play with those characters, and if I don't get those simple words and others do...I feel like I definitely haven't made the character likable to others or written down how I want the character to be seen.

Than again someone has brought it to my attention that my characters are not really good personalities and I need to be in more detail but I don't know how to do that because than I sound repetitive. Or that I need to have a more basic characters because their personalities are too complex and people don't understand them. Which falls into I need to elaborate them more.

Though what's ironic is that people will ignore me if I have a form that's too short which makes me hate everything because I don't want to be seen as illiterate. I love short forms because usually they're only in Invite Only role-plays, which means the person who invited you knows you are a good role-player [thank Damon I'm really happy whenever I get an invite to your role-play or anyone else for that matter and Marie her forms are just 3 things and I love it!!!]. Heck I'd rather write a roleplay example rather than a 6000 character personality because I like to write out their actions, thoughts, and emotions. It's much easier for me to write an example rather than personality.

Hate me if you want it would be much easier to have a decent sized role-play example in a form than a long personality, and it would prevent people who write 5 sentences replies from joining. Or I mean they can join anyways but that's not the point.


It's difficult to find face-claims and I like to Asian Face-claims over anyone else's, but I don't use K-pop because sometimes people don't like that and I just got in that habit of using someone who is Vietnamese, Indian, Japanese, or Chinese, as well as Russian and a few others. But the point is, I've grown to hate some Face-claims because they're so overused, BUT it's also really hard for me personally to find face-claims and on rare occasions I like to actually describe my character but it's like whatever.


As someone who likes to write on average 1000 characters per-reply I shouldn't be talking but I think we have all split up into separate groups as far as literacy goes. We don't admit it but we often group people into areas of role-playing such as if you write 1 sentence replies you're illiterate, if you write 5 lines you're semi-literate, you write 10 lines you're literate, and the newest one, the OGs and people who write 2 part replies, who we will deem as Gods and legends.

I have beef we all four of these so....

The ones we deem illiterate are not illiterate, they just don't write long replies and that's okay, it's when they have bad grammar. I mean I get if English isn't their first language but when you send a reply that says:

'donT talk black to me," casey shouted.'

Than we have a problem. Because it's not capitalized in the right places, you spelled back wrong which is just weird...and YOU DIDN'T USE THIS GUY ' IN BETWEEN THE N AND THE T. My pet peeve right there, I mean seriously if you want to write something like that be my guest but at least use proper grammar.

Than we have the semi-literate role-players, which doesn't even make sense because 5 lines is a lot, and it's a good amount that the role-play won't be boring. So why are they Semi-literate? Literacy doesn't have anything to do with the amount you write so why do we have to label them, and to be honest I like 5 lines replies because it goes faster and I'm less likely to ghost someone. The same thing goes for someone who can write 10 lines or literate role-players, which is where I sort of belong but I have bad typos and use filler words a lot, I never notice them so I'm considered illiterate but I don't mine because no one has pointed it out to me...yet.

And finally The Gods, which I cannot deny I am intimidated by, but it's kind of rude we put them on some sort of pedestal because they can write 2-6 part replies, it may seem like a compliment but it's not, because from experience it puts a lot of pressure on me to always have consistent replies and make sure that my replies aren't 1000 characters. I live for reading long comments past the fifth comment mark, and I tend to write more if someone does, but I don't want someone to write than every time, 1 because I'm pretty sure you're tired for writing that magnificent piece, and 2 it makes me and some others feel inadequate to you. Which I know isn't the point but it hurts, because the feeling is not fun to deal with, deep down I know you don't think lower of me if I give a 1500 character reply but it feels like I'm not trying enough and I definitely don't deserve to role-play with you.

Didn't mean to offend anyone but a lot is on my mind and needed to vent.

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