Chapter 1

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"Otou-san! Yumi is going now!" A girl with waist-length curly pale blonde hair exclaimed as she headed off to the door of their house.

"Yumi! Be sure to take Snow with you!"

"Hai, onii-chan."

She scooped her pet dog, Snow in her arms and took off for her job.

"The warmth of the sun feels nice. Yumi thought that it'll be another wonderful day." Snow jumps off from her arm as Yumi admired her surroundings.

Her snowy white skin glimmered as the sun smiled down upon her. Her eyes that were in the shade of lavender shone so bright as she thought that this will be another wonderful day.

Her light pink knee-length dress flows like a blooming flower as a cold breeze blows.

She shivered a bit and decided to wear the sky blue jacket she's been holding on.

Later on, she went in front of a tall building with a huge screen on it and there it shows, her idol singing with much passion.

"Waah, Yumi manage to see Aoi singing again today. Lucky~~" she giggled to herself.

"Ooooohh~~" her eyes crossed as a butterfly landed at the tip of her nose before she ended up sneezing away the creature.

"Awww, where are you going butterfly-san?" She followed after it while Snow was barking for her to stop getting distracted.

Yet, even with all the barks, Yumi went after it like a lost puppy she is-- more like a kitten.

With no other choice, Snow followed her to make sure that she won't get into any accident or so he thought.

Just as Yumi turned, she bumped into a guy wearing a green hat and sunglasses. Under the hat, a few blackish blue hair strands can be seen and he seems to be at least 165 to 170 cm. tall, much taller than Yumi.

"Owieee" she exclaimed as she fell on her bottom.

The said guy glanced down at the girl who bumped into him. He offered her his hand and pulled the girl back on her feet.

Later on, he heard a series of barks coming there way and a white fluff stood next to the girl while looking at him.

"Yumi is sorry for bumping into you. Yumi hope that she didn't hurt you mister-san." She bows down as an apology and looks around as soon as she got up again.

With the guy noticing her odd behaviour, he decided to ask.

"Why are you looking around?"

"Oh, Yumi was looking for the butterfly that she was following." She smiled at him, holds her hand on her back and stood on her tippy toes.

The guy widens his eyes at the soft and airy voice that he heard and smiled for a bit to himself.

"Oooooohhh, Yumi found butterfly-san. Byebye mister-san."

He snaps back into reality as the girl bows down again and proceeds to stroll  towards the butterfly.

He looked back at her one more time before heading off to his destination.

Just as Yumi began to walk away, Snow jumped up and bit on her dress which pulled her awake.

"Oh!" Shock was on her face with her palm on her mouth.

"Yumi forgot that Yumi have to get to work! Thank you Snow." She smiled again and this time, went into another direction where her work is at.

After a few minutes of walking, getting distracted and dragged back by Snow, Yumi finally reached the cafe she's working at- Mille-fiule Cafe.

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