Time Skip Brought to you by NiCe KilL TaNaKa

Once they made it to the camp everyone got off. Asahi was the lucky soul to wake up Hinata. He's shook him lightly and saw Hinata's eyes open slightly. "We're here." He said. Hinata yawned and woke up his sister. Daichi was outside putting on his forced smile again with meeting Kuroo. Hinata finally processed the news he got and shot up off the bus. Once he was off the bus he looked around and saw Kenma and Lev. "Kenma , Lev!". Hinata yelled as he ran to the two giving them a big almost knocking them over. They laughed as they stood straight up again. Suddenly they heard a small voice clear their throat. It was Natsu being the drama queen she is. "Umm where are my hugs Oni-Chan!" She exclaimed. Hinata laughed and bent down to pick her up. He got her in his arms and spun around with her. They laughed and then stopped considering they were getting dizzy. She signaled she wanted to get down and so he did. She walked over to Akaashi and asked him to kneel down. He did as instructed and was face to face with the small ball of sunshine. They looked at each other before she poked his nose. " Pretty! " she exclaimed. Hinata laughed looking at Akaashi's dumbfounded face. She walked back over to Hinata. "This so Natsu my little sister she has to be with us for the camp this week and I hope she won't cause to much trouble." He told them. They nodded and headed inside. They arrived pretty late in the day so they wouldn't practice for the first day but instead just socialize with the other teams. Hinata was finished setting up his futon and he was scrolling on his phone. He was bored and Natsu asked if they could go to the fair that was close by. Hinata went and told Daichi where he was going Daichi asked if anyone was coming with him. Hinata told him no and Daichi sighed. Hinata had a few people in mind and went to go ask them. Hinata went to the Nekoma room and saw Kenma and Lev on their phones. "Are y'all busy right now?" Hinata asked the two. They responded with no and Hinata smiled. " well I was wondering if you two wanted to go to the Fair with me and Natsu? " He looked down waiting for rejection but surprised throughout responded with yes and rather quickly to. Hinata out on his blinding smile and went to change. Hinata decided that he should wear an Orange t-Shirt with some black ripped jeans and some Black shoes. Natsu had on a small sunflower dress. Once they were done they headed to the Nekoma room again and waited for Lev and Kenma.

*Kenma POV*
Me and Lev were done changing and decided to ginger a drink from a vending Machine. We were headed back to the gym and we saw Shoyo. We both spit out our drinks. There stood Shoyo in this very nice outfit that fit him perfectly. I could feel my face heating up. "Damn he's hot." Hinata waved at us and we waved back. " We ready to go? " he asked. We both nodded a little to quickly. He smiled and grabbed our hands. We looked at each other and turned bright red. Here stood...well ran Shoyo Hinata holding out hands. Natsu was on his back as he dragged us. We were running but he stopped and went to the Karasuno room and told Daichi that he was going with us two. Sugawara came out and have us some advice. "If he comes back telling us y'all touched him I will rip off every last one of your fingers do you understand?" He said with a sickly sweet smile. We both gulped and nodded. He nodded back and went back to the room. Hinata came out and we left.

Time Skip Brought to you by I've done this to much I'm sorry

*Hinata POV*
Once we got to the fair we decided to go play one of the games. I won a bear for everyone and probably lost about 30 dollars but that doesn't matter! It was getting a little hot so I pulled my hair up. (Hinata has short hair but not super short he can put it into a ponytail or bun.) Kenma and Let spat out their drinks again. Then I remembered.
"Oni-Chan what if it hurts?!" Natsu exclaimed. I sighed and decided to make a deal with her. " how about if I get my ear pierced to show you that it distant hurt you'll get yours done ok? " I ask her. See the thing is that I've wanted to get my ears pierced but I never found the right time to. She nodded and I ruffled her hair. Few hours later and we both have pierced ears. But I only have one cause my mom said tWo iS tO GirLy. I tried to ignore her comment but it always annoyed me.
*FlashBack End*
I sighed and told them what happened that day. Kenma and Let also seemed annoyed by my mom's comment but I let it slide knowing I'm not alone on this. The Fair closed in a few hours and it was getting dark so we decided leave. Once we made it back to the camp we parted ways. Everyone was awake in the room when me and Natsu entered. Sugawara looked worried. "Did they do anything to you?" He asked. I shook my head no and he look relieved. Everyone was asking me questions but one person Yamaguchi. He was just looking at me until he spoke. "Hinata when did you get your ears pierced?" He asked. Everyone then looked at my ears and started questioning that.

*Lev POV*
Me and Kenma entered the room and everyone looked at us. "Where were you two?" Yaku asked. We stayed silent and headed to our Futons. Kenma then spoke up. "We spent a day with Shoyo and his sister." After he finished I hear Kuroo laughing. I look over to see Kenma red. " Who have you this bear Kenma a secret admirer? " Kuroo joked. Kenma punched him in the stomach and got the bear and cuddled it. "Me and Kenma got one from Shoyo cause we went to the fair." I spoke up getting all attention turned to me. " WAIT so you two went to the fair with Karasuno's #10 and he got y'all a stuffed bear? " Yamamoto asked and we nodded. "I have to admit shrimp is cute." Kuroo said. " Trust me I got a picture of his outfit today and he looked hot. " I said. Everyone then surrounded me wanting to see the picture. I pulled up the picture where Hinata was leaning against a brick wall. I looked up and saw everyone blushing. "Damn didn't know y'all swing that way." I joked but then got punched in the arm. All I know now is more competition.

A/N: Hello Guys, Gals, and LGBTQ+ pals! I hope you all like this chapter it was a little rushed cause I did this and stayed up most of the night working on it. Anyway I hope you all stay safe and have a good day/night/evening!💖💖

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