Chapter One

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      In space in a ship there's a king known as King Cold he had two lilttle sons Cooler and Frieza. The two boys always fight never once did they get along it was like a cat and dog sometimes King Cold would let it go but today the two are worst. "Boys stop now!" King Cold yelled at the two both stoped and looked at their father. "Yes father" they both said and stop then goes back to work. "We have important guess coming today I want both of you to act good" King Cold said as he looked at the two they nod.

                         -In hell-

    A little girl was in her room she had long red and black hair horns on the top of her head and bat wings. "Wicked time to get ready" Lucifer said to his daughter from outside her room. "Already ahead of you dad" Wicked opened her room door and had on a black and red long dress and some small hells on. "You look cute sweetheart" Lucifer said as he smiled at his daughter. "I'm not cute I'm evil and mean" Wicked said with a evil look on her face. "Sure now let's go" Lucifer took her hand and teleported them to the ship.
                       -In the ship-

    King Cold,Cooler and Frieza were waiting for the guess. "King Cold their here" one of the guards said. "Let them in we don't have all day" King Cold said and the guard did as he was told. As Lucifer and Wicked walked in Cooler and Frieza looked at Wicked. Wicked on the other hand hold her dad's hand more tight scared she didn't like the look they were giving her. "Welcome Lucifer" King Cold said with a smile and Lucifer smiled back. "It's good to be here" Lucifer said. "Who is this little one with you?" King Cold said smiling at Wicked. "Wicked wicked red it's nice to meet you King Cold someday I'm gonna be queen of hell" Wicked said and Frieza and Cooler walked over to their father. "Well I hope you know how hard that's gonna be Wicked" King Cold said. "I do" Wicked said smiling. "Names Cooler cutie" Cooler took Wicked's hand and kissed it Wicked wasn't happy and moved her hand away. Frieza laughed at his brother failure "and you are" Wicked said looking at Frieza. "Frieza I'm gonna be lord of the universe one day hopefully I'll see you around" Frieza said making Wicked blush when he looked in her eyes.

Lord Frieza x demon oc Wicked RedWhere stories live. Discover now