chapter one: the first night

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“Settle Down everybody, the sorting is not over” Minerva Mcgonagall said once the last first year Steela Demonshadow had been sorted into ravenclaw. ‘He we go’ Wolffe thought taking a deep breath

“It’s time” Slughorn told him and without a word wolffe followed him into the great hall, which had become pendrop silent.

“Children, I would like you all too meet Hogwarts first ever transfer student from America” McGonagall says “Wolffe Koon, Mr. Koon take a seat so we may sort you into one of the four houses” Wolffe quietly sat on the stool and a hat was placed over his head 

‘Hmm i see you're a warrior on a mission….well then it better be GRYFFINDOR!” The sorting hat yells. McGonagall took the hat off of Wolffe’s head 

“Which…” Wolffe went too ask her 

“That one Mr. Koon” McGonagall said pointing at the Gryffindor table. 

“Thank you” Wolffe said and he turned to go too the Gryffindor table where he saw a whooping James Potter and Sirius Black. “Okay settle down boys” Wolffe says getting to the table, he tried to use his commander voice, but thanks to the deaging Serum he had been given by the Kamonians he couldn't achieve it. There were a lot of things he used to be able to do with his voice that he now couldn't, like growling like a actual wolf. He wished his voice would hurry up and change. Rex and Cody had been lucky and hit puberty the day after getting the serum, he on the other hand hadn't gotten that lucky and was still waiting. Rex enjoyed rubbing it in his face until he got on the train for Hogwarts. Rex teased him endlessly, but Wolfe had one thing he could hold over him, he had a natural talent for magic. Dumbledore and Mcgonagall knew of his mission and that he was not even from Earth. Dumbledore was the one who had issued his Mission, Wolffe was too report back to the Jedi council on the Wizarding world and he was too observe and learned their ways. It made no sense too Wolffe why this old wizard would want that. The Jedi were sworn to secrecy on everything Wolffe reported by Dumbledore himself. Nothing made sense, things rarely ever made sense in his life, he’s learned just too go with it. 

“Welcome students to another year at Hogwarts, school of witchcraft and wizardry. As you saw we do have a transfer student from America with us this year. I hope you can all make him feel at home here with us all. For him and our first year students, I would like to go over a few brief rules. First of, our new students should note that the forbidden forest is strictly that, Forbidden, a few of our third year students could do well to remember this as well. Dueling is not permitted for any reason in the halls, and caretaker Filch has asked me to remind you that no students should roam the halls after Curfew at 10:00 P.m. For a full list of rules please see the rule page in you're student handbook. And now Before we begin our banquet, I would like to say a few words. And here they are: Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak! Thank you!” Dumbledore says he claps and food fills the table. Wolffe was now certain the elderly wizard had a bolt or two loose in his head. He shook away those thoughts and began too put food on his plate.

“I’m glad you're in gryffindor mate” James said happily

“Yeah?” Wolffe said not really paying attention, he knew he’d have too give his report to General Koon soon. He figured he’d have too sneak out too do that, he just hoped he wouldnt get caught. That wouldnt make a very good impression, getting in trouble before the school year actually started. Wolffe figured he would be just fine, his tropper training would allow for him too sneak out undetected, with luck no one would even notice he left the dorms. Speaking of the dorms.

“Come on mate you don’t want too get left behind” Sirius said pulling Wolffe out of his throughts

“Oh...uh yeah” Wolffe said, getting up he followed Sirius, James, Remus, and Peter too a portrait of a Fat lady. “Uhhh this can’t be the entrance it’s a painting”

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