The brighter future of a dreamer boy

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On a sunny day, while the sun is about to set, thereby Mike who was a young boy, coming at the corner side of the tobacco tree. Mike is a good looking and Charming boy. He loves to use most of his time in reading; thinking that: "Reading is the only thing that can help us to know the real face of this wide world and it's the only way to chant for brighter future and another good world".
Mike is the third born of his father William James who's 56 years old, manager of the chocolate company.
Mike as the second to the last born, he usually thinks of a better world; a world of peace and harmony, a world that's full of goodness and collaboration with others, a world that's devoid of depravity, profligacy, killing the powerless people, cheating and cunning, a world that every single person has equal right, a world whereby the government will put the issue of the masses as one of the first agendas to do, a world wherby no prostitution and every body live with peaceful mind, a world wherby girls are not seen as a material used to advertise the products rather girls should be seen as the most important thing in society and they deserve equal right with boys, a world where there's no discrimination of colours nor racism instead everybody is regarded as a human since they share same humanity, a world full of happiness, joy, cheerfulness and tranquility, a world where teachers are given there worth, and doctors are highly compensated on their gigantic effort towards the people" this is the world that Mike dream of and he relentlessly works day and night to achieve it but not all dream could be achieved.
While this lockdown is still going on and it has lead to the death of morethan millions across the globe, Mike never stop dreaming of the world he wish to live in, the tomorrow that he hopes to be like a honey that soothes everybody and make them work hands to hands in order to achieve the great plan; the advancement of the country. The world pandemic"Covid-19" is a disease that the world never experience such virus before. While Mike hopes that during this quarantine, government suppose to put the issue of the masses at the top but rather, they neglected it as if nothing happened which leads to the deterioration of the health of the people. The government are busy with other issues that's less important comparing to the lives of the people. People yelled and protest for their lives and their well-being during this lockdown but the government never listen to them because the demonstration doesn't pose any harm to them. Mike, the dreamer who has always being unpleasant for the situation of his country and the world in general, never stop dreaming despite that dream seems like raising a dead person from his grave or turning Atlantic Ocean to a desert, inspite of that, he never stop dreaming and he hopes his dream comes true one day. This is how Mike imagine the world of tomorrow should be in his dream but how good it's if "all wish is usually accomplished".

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2020 ⏰

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