Ch.1: ❝Restart all over again...or not❞

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. . . ⚜・❀・⚜ . . .

[???] POV...


'Who's there?'


'Someone's calling me...'

" ..n...ake..up..."

'There it is again... I can't hear them clearly...'

I felt a cold hard surface touch my cheeks as it nudges me.

"Come on now, you've been laying there for quite some time now."

Ah... I can hear them clearly now... Their voice was loud and rough. I felt my fingers twitch along with my toes, I tried moving them and thankfully it wasn't that hard but I can't say for the rest of my body, I feel so numb like I was laying there for what feels like an eternity. 

After finally regaining the control over my limbs I tried to roll over to my side which I successfully did. 

'Although I regained control over my body, my eyelids still feel heavy...' I thought as I tried opening my eyes but to no avail.

"Rest it for a while, forcing your eyelids to open won't help you at all young lass." The rough voice said to me and so I decided to listen and wait.

I relaxed there on the cold ground as silence filled the air, a comfortable one. I listened to the steady breathing of the- I don't even know if they are a person or not... but they seemed to be relaxed.

A few minutes passed and I decided to try opening my eyes again, this time I have successfully opened it, I mentally cheer but stop when what greeted me was blinding darkness. Startled, I quickly shut my eyes back, a tingling feeling started to crawl up all over my body. 

'O...kay... Maybe it wasn't a good idea to close them back so quickly but suddenly being greeted by such a cold feeling of darkness after just waking up doesn't really set up a good feeling...'

"Young lass, are you alright? You're shivering." The rough voice from earlier spoke as I felt their presence shift in front of me.

Hearing the voice made me sigh in relief.

'I almost forgot about the voice that woke me up earlier... Thank god I'm not alone...'

With my eyes still close, I carefully sit up from my laying position. Once I am comfortably sitting with my legs tucked underneath me, I slowly opened my eyes once again blinded by the darkness that engulfed my surrounding, with the cold feeling still lingering in the back of my mind I forced my eyes to stay open so that I could adjust to my surrounding...

'Maybe I've been sleeping for too long...' 

Not a moment later I started to see colors, they were glowing so softly that it made me relax in my position. After my eyes have completely adjusted, I can now see my surrounding clearly. I was in a cave decorated with multiple glowing stones they somewhat provided as a light in this supposedly dark cave. 

The cave was beautiful despite its cold and eerie feeling.

"I see that you could finally see your surrounding."

'Right, I almost forgot about the voice from earlier' I sweatdropped at my own silliness for always forgetting about them. Turning around to get a good look at the owner of the voice, I freeze midway when I got a glimpse of them. 

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