Taken Away

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"Stacy, get down here!" My mother's voice rang in my ears as she yelled from downstairs. I looked down at the fresh new lines of blood that escaped from my self-made wounds, wondering how it all came to this. How did i go from being the sweet innocent girl of my childhood, to the pure embodiment of depression?

"Coming!" I said back loud enough for her to hear. I reluctantly put on a long sleeve shirt, so no one saw the scars, the signs of my weakness, the signs that i was truly worthless. I rushed downstairs and looked around for someone but everyone was gone. It was eerily quiet and cold, i could feel the goosebumps rising on my skin and the hairs on the back of neck stand as i looked around. I was about to call for someone, anyone, when suddenly someone tackled me from the side.  I felt the breath get knocked out of my lungs as i struggled to breath, to fight. My eyes felt as if they were swelling, my mouth hung open as i tried to gasp for breath, I could feel my body twitching and convulsing underneath the human. I was having a panic attack. I could just barely see my mother above me but I continued fighting and screaming until she punched me in the face and everything went black.

I awoke up on my bed to the sound of voices that were all but familiar. My brain felt as if it was banging against my head, my wrists hurt and burned, as did my ankles. I wanted to kick and scream only to come to the tantalizing fact that i was tied and bound. Tears ran down my eyes as I felt as if the walls were closing in on my small figure. I began to shake and hyperventilate through the rag that was placed over my mouth. I didn't notice my mother walking over to me until the room went black. I flinched, afraid of the damage that would be done to my body. However, I felt no pain come, no signs of punches, cuts, or scratches on me. I was confused until I felt a rough hand on my arm pulling me and guiding me to some unknown location.  I heard the voice of my mother next to my ear as she whispered the few words that will change my world forever. 

"Time to leave, slut.

As she guided me downstairs with the bag on my head, I silently cried in the darkness. I kept my mouth closed as the salty tears ran down my pale cheeks so she wouldn't see my pain, my weakness, my sense of betrayal from the woman who birthed me.

"This is the girl, now give me my money," I shivered at her choice. Was I surprised? No. Did it hurt? Yes. To my own mother, I was just the girl. I was worth a couple of bucks to her. I'd be lying if I said I didn't care, if I said that it didn't hurt, it didn't burn. Because it did. Extremely so.

"Here," I heard a deep and husky voice murmur before felt a different hand on my arm. I tried to struggle as they lead me outside and into what I think was a car, however; it was to no avail. I could feel the tears come at a faster rate as I felt the car speed away from the hell I called home to a new place that will probably be just as bad, if not, worse. 

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