"They want nothing to do with us, they don't care" I said

"Well they can stay here" he said

"JoJo can stay here but Nina, hell no" I said

"What's wrong with little Nina? She's cute and funny" he said

"She said that you don't like combing and she called you a bad boy" I said

"You probably made her say that I like Nina, she's cute just like you" he said smiling

I rolled my eyes

"She's not innocent Meek" I said

"You're not innocent either" he said

"Boy I'm innocent and pure" I said smiling

"I beg to differ, you've done things that innocent people don't do" he said

"Which is?" I asked

He raised an eyebrow

"No don't tell me" I said

"Just let ya siblings stay here there's nothing wrong" he said

"Only Joseph, the other one has to go" I said

"Do whatever you want, I ain't holding you back" he said

"Thank you baby" I kissed him

"Man she was gon' be my girlfriend, we was gon' have fun" he said

I stuck my tongue out


Apparently someone reported my mom to the police and child protection services was in our house telling us what to do with my own siblings like I didn't practically raise them for the past few years

"I won't hurt them I know how to take care of them" I said

"And I love kids I'll give them anything they want" Meek added

"I understand but it is not my place to decide" I said

"You can ask them, they love me I give them everything they want I treat them like my kids, please don't take them away" I begged

"I hear you but it is up to the judge to decide whether the two of you are the right guardians for these kids"

"But I'm their sister I can take care of them" I said

"You do not have a job and you're still young" he explained

"But my boyfriend has a job and I'll also look for a job I promise, I can take care of them" I said

"I'm sorry but they are much safer in our care" he said

"Safer in your care? There's nothing safe about an orphanage, y'all are gonna place them where they will be mistreated" Meek yelled

"There's nothing I can do about it, enjoy the rest of your evening" he said then left with my siblings

My heart shattered into pieces I can't believe all of this is happening this is too much

I cried my heart out Meek came over to me I sat on his lap and hugged him

"It's gonna be okay, we're gonna get them" he said kissing me


Word on the street is that my father got released from prison I don't know how and I don't know why but I know that he has to go back it is safer for him and everyone else

Scared could not even describe how I felt I knew that he would come knocking on our door at anytime and demand his children

I was doing the laundry while Meek was reading a book the house is quiet without Nina and JoJo I miss them so much and I just wonder if they are okay after doing the laundry I took a break and watched TV

The door bell rang I went to the door walking slow as hell cause I'm tired

I opened the door and it was a furious Robert Maraj

"Hi" I said

"Where is my wife and kids?" He asked

There was a lump in my throat

"I don't know" I said

"Don't fuckin lie to me, why are my children in an orphanage huh? You thought I wouldn't find out?" He asked

"Listen I don't know where mom is I've been trying to get ahold of her but she's not answering I even called some of our relatives to check if she didn't go to them and the orphanage part I don't know shit about it" I said

"Liar!" He yelled

This guy is a maniac

"I'm not lying, check for yourself" I said taking my phone out of my pocket and giving it to him

He checked the call log and nodded then gave it to me

"I'm sorry" he said

"And please do yourself a favor, don't ever come here again" I said

He nodded

I shut the door right in his face I then looked at him through the peephole

I saw him walking away with his hands on top of his head he got on his little bicycle then took off

"Is everything okay?" Meek asked

"Yeah everything is fine" I said

"Are you sure? You look sweaty" he said

"Yeah I'm sure, you want something to eat?" I asked changing the topic

"Yeah" he said

We both went to the kitchen and I prepared a snack for him

Excuse any errors

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