Then Thor walked in, big hand covering Loki's entire shoulder. "FRIENDS," his loud voice boomed thunderously and Loki glared up at him.

"I BRING THE FINEST BOTTLE OF ASGARDIAN WINE!" He yelled, and this time Loki jabbed him in the side and gave him a death glare. 

"Let go, you oaf," he snarled and Thor gently took off his hand. Loki then walked to the fridge and grabbed a bunch of ice cubes. Then he just shoved a handful of the ice into his mouth and crunched casually. 

The avengers looked at him in awe and then instantly looked away when Loki rose a brow at them.

Tony cleared his throat, "You can grab the ice bucket if you want." 

Loki didn't have to be asked twice as he grabbed the icebox and walked over to the sofa, glaring at Bruce to move over. Bruce let out a yelp and scootched all the way to the end and Loki took the other end. Thor tossed the alcohol bottle in the air and sat down between Loki and Bruce. Bruce's face heated up because he always had a little crush on the gorgeous blonde sitting next to him. Pietro ran to grab the bottle of wine so it didn't crash and break. 

"So, planning on killing us all in our sleep?" Bruce asked, raising a cautious brow to the former villain. 

Loki chuckled lowly and darkly, making most of the men in the room tense up and put up their guards.

"Surprisingly enough, humans, I just wanted to have some fun," he said, shrugging, but a little smirk on his lips. He grabbed another ice cube and placed it in his mouth. 

Peter stood up and decided it was a good time to introduce himself.

"Hi, Mr. Loki, God of Mischief, sir, I'm Peter Parker. Also, spiderman. I've been dying to meet you!" He rambled, holding out his hand. Loki eyed him cautiously up and down and then tentatively offered his own hand and they shook firmly. 

"Pleasure, Mr. Parker," he said, seeming suspicious but genuine. The rest of the men settled after that. 

Thor and Bruce talked for a while, chatting about earth and other random things. Bruce's face was hot the entire time.
"I went to this diner the other day and the lady was angry at me smashing a cup on the ground so I could have more." 
"On earth, that's destruction of property and not how we say we want more. We actually just wait for the waiter to come back and then ask for another cup."

Loki and Peter were watching the movie and every once in a while, Peter would look up from the ground to ask Loki something about Asgard. Like, "Do you guys have showers or only baths?" and Loki would answer. Then sometimes Loki would lean down and ask Peter questions about the movie playing. Clint stayed close to Peter but far away from Loki, still eyeing him icily. 

Bucky and Steve were shoulder to shoulder, invested in the movie and they'd chat about how fake the gun effects and violence looked. "He was using his right hand to write in the last scene, so why the hell is he shooting with his nondominant hand?"
"When you get shot in the head, you don't fall like that! He looks like an ironing board fell down."

Tony and Pietro were fighting over the bowl of popcorn.
"I made the popcorn! I deserve most of it!" 
"I paid for the popcorn! Not to mention this entire compound. I deserve the popcorn."
"You technically killed my parents, so I think I-"

Soon it was around 2 AM and most of the men were dead asleep. 

Peter fell into a deep slumber around midnight, laying on the ground with just his arms as pillows. Clint was sitting against a footrest, snoring softly. Bruce was laying against Thor's chest and Thor, snoring away, unconsciously had his arm around Bruce's waist. 

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