He loves me

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Sasuke looked out to the tree line. He had been sitting in this field for hours picking petals off of flowers. Why? You may ask. Well Sasuke was in love with no other than Naruto Uzumaki(spelling?) He loved Naruto so much that it hurt. He couldnt stop thinking of the blond haired dope who aspired to prove everyone wrong. He picked up another flower and plucked its petals one by one (i feel bad for that flower). He loves me he loves me not he loves me he loves me not. This went on until the flower was bare it ended at he loves me. " i have to tell naruto " sasuke said out loud. "Tell me what sasuke-teme?" Naruto asked as he apeared out of no where. "Ahhh NARUTO!?" Sasuke yelled in suprise

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