"I don't look bad .. mom ." Persia cries .

"No baby ! You don't ." Ersia pats on her daughter's shoulder . "He has what ?"

"Philophobia ! Fear of love . Very rare people have this kind of phobia . He had that . So , it was just the reaction of his fear . He couldn't control that . And , he had , now he is recovered ." Beam explains .

"You have fallen with a man , I don't have any problem with that .... but with a man who had fear of love and who can punch a girl for this fear . Really Beam ? You want me to accept this ? " Ersia shocks .

"What if his phobia again comes back one day , and he throws you like a trash or worst , beats you physically ?" Ersia looks worried .

"But he has recovered mom ! He loves me ." Beam pleads her mom "please ."

"Beam I am also a doctor . Phobia can come back any time . Same sex relationship is also not easy to keep up with . You have to fight with difficulties and what if it comes back from those preassure ? It's a no for me , Beam ." Ersia sighs .

"Mom, don't say that ! I .. If he has a phobia , it's not his fault right ? I can understand you worries . But it always has a 'what if' right ? What if , it never comes back ? " Tears roll down from Beam's cheek . Forth blinks fast to control himself .

Ersia looks at them . "Can your parent come here ? I want to talk with them ! "She asks Forth .

Forth nods silently .


Forth's parent stop their car in front of a big house . Mary , Forth's mother comes out of the car with Derek , Forth's father .

"I know that house ." Derek frowns . It's Bek's house .. Why ,Forth is here ?" He asks her wife .

They enter the house when a maid open the door .

"Derek ! How , are you ? Oh my god ! I am calling Bek ." Ersia smiles happily .

"Ersia ! Why Forth is here ? " Derek looks at his son .

"You know Forth ? " Ersia frowns .

"Yeah ! He is my son . And meet Mary , my wife . " Derek smiles .

"He is your son ? But , let's sit and talk . I am hell confused now ! Let me call Bek too ." Ersia smiles .

"So , why are you here Forth ? You know , this is my junior's house . We studied in same college and used to live in same hostel . " Derek smiles thinking about old days .

"Dad ! This is Beam ! Beam barame ! My boyfriend ." Derek shocks . Mary chocks his saliva .

"And my son ." Ersia adds .

"Wait a minute , you are in a relation ? How ? " Mary asks Forth .

"Last time , when I met your son , it was not him ." Derek asks Ersia .

"Same to you ! Last time , when I met your son , it was not him ." Ersia replies .

"Forth , Beam ! You guys can go and take rest , we need to talk ." Ersia says in acold tone .


Derek , Mary and Ersia talk for hours . Sometimes about Forth and Beam , sometimes about other things . Bek joins after two hours when he returned from the office .

"What a story ! Oh god ! " Bek sighs . "Whatever ! I want to meet that man who dare to settle my asshole son ."

"Don't you haveany problem with that ? " Ersia asks Bek .

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