Chapter Seventeen

Start from the beginning

Adelaide thought for a moment. "I did see Clara Albert over at the park. There are people who are frequently at the park that early in the day, Lyle being one of them, but Clara isn't usually there. I heard Lyle was found in the park—is that right?"

"Yes, I'm afraid so. My story will be in the paper tomorrow morning with more information on his life and death. When you say you saw Clara, was there anything specifically that you saw her doing? Was she looking furtive or was she simply out there in exercise gear?"

"Clara was there with her little dog and seemed totally distracted by her—putting her on her leash, getting out poop bags, that kind of thing," said Adelaide. "You don't think that she had something to do with Lyle's death, do you? Like maybe she thought that Lyle was responsible for her husband's death and she wanted to get revenge?"

"I'm not sure. Although I think it would be a little strange to bring a dog along when you're planning on murdering someone," said Myrtle, frowning.

"Maybe it was a spur of the moment thing," said Adelaide. "Maybe she didn't plan on it and didn't even think about the possibility that Lyle would even be there. Then she ran into him on the trail when she was walking Amber and they argued over Neil. It could have been completely spontaneous. Besides, I've heard Clara trash-talking Lyle before. Not nearly as much as Neil did, but she always made fun of Lyle. Apparently, he'd be so careful with his pruning that he'd be out in the yard working on a single flowering bush for hours."

Myrtle could see that Adelaide had something of a sidekick brain. Or, at least, that she liked working out puzzles. "Clara is definitely a possibility," said Myrtle. "By the way, when you spotted Clara's car, did you see your principal's car, as well? Or did you see him on the road?"

"Mr. Kelly? I usually end up following him or vice versa since we leave our houses at about the same time. But not this time. He was parked over at the park."

"Parked? But wasn't he at the school soon after you arrived there?" asked Myrtle.

Adelaide slowly shook her head. "No. He came in late, which was pretty unusual. He has a reserved spot, you know. And the principal parking place was empty until after first block was finished. My room looks out on the parking lot. But surely you're not saying that Mr. Kelly was somehow involved in Lyle's death."

Myrtle said, "Oh, you just never know. I'm just trying to figure out where everyone was when Lyle died, that's all." She paused. "Do you have any ideas on who it could be? Besides Clara, that is?"

"Well, I guess the spouse is always the main suspect. So, Sally?"

Myrtle said, "Except that Sally's alibi checked out and she's not considered a suspect. Anyone else?"

Adelaide said wryly, "Well, with all the time I spent hovering in the bank parking lot, I can say that Tarleton's nose was definitely out of joint with being laid off."

"Yes, I've heard quite a bit about that," said Myrtle.

"It wasn't like he just asked the one time for his job back. He kept going over there to talk to Neil about it. I guess he was desperate. Tarleton was practically stalking him."

Which was exactly what Tarleton had said about Adelaide.

The next morning, Myrtle got ready for book club. Pasha had stared at her through her kitchen window until Myrtle opened it up and gave her a can of tuna. Myrtle carefully took the store-bought muffins and transferred them onto a plate. Since the muffins looked a little too perfect, she pulled off bits of some of them to give them a more authentic homemade look. Pleased by her handiwork, she picked up her cane and carried the book and the muffins in a bag on her other arm.

A Body in the Trunk :  Myrtle Clover Book 12Where stories live. Discover now