Just a glance

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I glanced across the room taking in my surroundings ( like it's just a glance, what harm could it do?) and saw a tall figure sitting across the room. He has luscious brown hair and perfectly tanned skin. I was staring at him for a bit when he slyly looked over and made eye contact. He has gorgeous brown eyes and a killer smile with white shining teeth. a small crooked smile sat on his lips which made me slightly blush.

*Skip Lesson*

The bell finally rang and I stumbled to grab my books when he walked past. They fell onto the floor and he looked over. I blushed once again. He offered help but before I could deny it he was on the floor grabbing my books. As he stood up and handed me my books. I caught eye contact with him. He has gorgeous eyes. "Why thank you" I was confused at first then I realised that I had just said that out loud. How embarrassing! I blushed crimson red. I was speechless. He was blushing to which was super adorable. "you think everything about me is adorable don't you?" I blushed once again. Even redder this time. I managed to ask him what his name was as we were walking out. Also thanking him. He answer with a deep yet raspy voice. " My name is Andoni" his voice made my heart melt. After a few seconds I realised he was waiting on me to introduce myself. "oh uh, my name is Taylor" and I shyly smiled. "you have a really cute smile Taylor" I was taken back at first then blushed like crazy. "Thank you. U-uh you too" I smiled again then quietly giggled. It was a awkward silence. We were about to part when Andoni spoke up " Hey, uh Taylor. Would you like to join me in going to Starbucks with me. Whenever your free" he blurted out. It was so cute! "L-Like a uh D-Date?" I questioned. I must admit I would be really disappointed if it wasn't. I fell a genuine connection to this boy. "Of course" he replied. I could tell he was excited. Well I have to admit so am I! We exchanged numbers and made it for Friday. Afternoon, we will meet up after school. He also said he would ring me tonight. YAY . Then it hit me. Friday is TOMORROW. Holy mother of rainbow Moustaches. Yes I just said that. No I am not normal. Don't judge me. (A/N ~ the photo above is the guy who the character Andoni is based on. Well the guy above name is Andoni. Heh. More information about who the characters are based on is on the next Page. Make sure to check it out Xx.)

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