She pauses as her frustration begins to grow again. After a few bites of food, she begins to speak again. "This weekend, apparently, Sweet Pea got drunk and slept with Vikki. You should have seen her, Mom. She was devastated because he didn't contact her after that."

As Anastasia listened as her daughter ranted about her friend's heartbreak, she nods in understanding. Yet, she knew something else was bothering her daughter. "Oh, Birdie. Time will fix Vikki as soon as she sees another boy that catches her eye. However, I think there is more to it than just him hurting your friend. I think you're hurt too."

Melody pauses and looks at her mom with a deadpan. "I could give a shit less about Nathaniel "Sweet Pea" Maddox."

"First off, watch your language. Secondly, you and that boy have been at war since before you became Serpents. I think you are hurting because you like to see the best in everyone and he didn't reach your expectations."

Hearing her mom's theory, Melody crosses her arms with a deep sigh and leans back in her chair in defeat. "I seen a different side to him. Maybe I was just too quick to believe in his facade. I feel...."

"Played?" Anastasia finishes for Melody, which is replied with a nod of confirmation. "Listen, Hunny. There will always be people out in the world that won't meet your expectations. How you choose to handle that is how you determine who you are. Sweet Pea is still a kid, he is still figuring out who he is, just like you. So, I wouldn't take it too close to heart." The older woman gives Melody a reassuring smile as she stands and pats her on the shoulder before leaving to her room.


The Twilight Drive-In was packed as the citizens of Riverdale gathered for one last movie before it was to be torn down Monday morning. Not only was Riverdale losing a significant part of its history, but Jughead Jones lost yet another place to call home. Melody felt bad for her cousin. She had offered him to stay with her family, but he refused because he didn't want to become another mouth for her mother to feed.

The Serpents were planning to attend the event that Saturday, this gave Melody the opportunity to be there for Jughead as he goes through this difficult time.

Melody and her friends pull up in her mom's truck that she let her borrow that night. Her, Vikki, and Jade get out and head to the concession stand to get snacks and drinks before the movie starts. "Hey. You guys go ahead. I have to go see someone."

A smirk raises on Vikki's lips. "Ooooo. A secret rendezvous at the drive-in? How scandalous."

Melody rolls her eyes at her cheeky friend. "Keep it in your pants, Vikki. It's just my cousin. He runs the projector."

Vikki pouts. "Boring!"

"Come on, Vik." Jade says to her sister before looking at her friend. "Want the usual?"

"Yeah. I won't be long."

The friends depart and Melody makes her way to the projection booth, where she knew Jughead would be. She walks in to find him slowly putting the film into the projector with a sadness on his face. "Sythe."

The young Jones looks over to see his cousin standing in the door way. "Oh. Hey." He says softly, void of much emotion.

"I'm sorry about the drive-in. I know how much this place meant to you. To us." A sad mixture of a scoff and a laugh sounded from her throat. "You remember all the times the four of us had to squeeze in your mom's tiny trunk?" They both smile to themselves. "I remember Gunner would always fart and turn the trunk into a death trap. That little boy can smell like a grown man." At this they laugh, and Melody crosses the room to give Jughead a hug, which he welcomes.

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