Ayris came back with Yule holding vines tied together.

"I hope this is enough, if we need to we can get more," he said handing it to me and Rumin. We tied it down to the closest rock and tossed it down.

"Hey girls, grab on," I said.

"Alright, I'm coming up," Lucy said tugging on the vine. Once she was in reach, Ayris and I helped her up.

"Edmund!" Lucy hugged me tightly.

"Hey Lu, I'm glad you're alright," I let her go and looked to see (Y/n) putting Simon into his bag, the one we found earlier, and tugged on the vine.

When she was close enough, I helped her up and she clinged onto me tightly until she was on level ground. I hate that I like having her this close to me, that's weird.

"I got you," I quietly said.

"Thanks," (Y/n) let go and stood up. Then she took the mirror from the bag to let Simon see us.

"Prince, it's so good to see you!" The guards said. "What happened to you, why are you in a hand mirror?" Simon pursed his lips and looked around.

"Well it was self-inflected, it's kinda confusing but once we get back to the castle, I can try and explain things better and hopefully figure out what our next steps will be," Simon said.

"Self-inflicted how?" I asked.

"It sounds ridiculous but my other self did this to me, he's now walking around in my or our body...I don't remember much of that night except for being put here and where my body is heading. I can't remember exactly where or why any of this happened but I think our library might have some answers."

"We could look in the magic section, this seems like a curse," Lucy said. I agreed, this definitely was a curse but we need to do more research before we could go off with that theory.

"At least we have a starting point, let's go," I said. We left Dragon's Peak, heading back to the castle to relay the news. It was around dusk when we arrived and we were all hungry. Her royal advisors greeted us out back.

"How did the search go today? Find any signs of Prince Simon?" one of them asked.

"As a matter of fact-" (Y/n) pulled the mirror out of the bag, showing Simon to them. The advisors all gasped and stared.

"About time- oh, hey everyone it's good to see you again... um where's Adaline?" He asked. Right on cue, the princess came running in.

"I was made aware that the party has returned- Simon!" She looked at the mirror and ran towards it. (Y/n) handed it to her along with Simon's bag. Adaline was in shock but seemed overall very happy. "Oh my, Simon I'm so glad to see you...what happened, where's your body?" Her face turned to concern. She looked at us for answers and we just looked back.

Simon sighed, having to tell the story again. I know the feeling.

"If it's alright, I'll talk to you when we're inside, alone." I began to wonder if he was perhaps hiding something from us. I respected his decision if he didn't want to let everyone who asked know.

"Alright..." She turned to one of her advisors, "Get these people a meal, please. Thank you all for your work today, truly. Have a good evening." She curtsy and left with Simon.

"Very well, you all heard the Princess, come with me and we'll get you washed up and fed," the advisor said. Our horses were taken to the stables and we were taken inside. The guards went down the first hall we passed. Lucy, (Y/n) and I were taken upstairs to the guest wing to change and want not. I had realized we were going to have to spend the night here which I didn't mind.

♚ ℑrust the Just ♚ // Edmund X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now