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Hinata nodded, half listening to Sawamura, who has been asked to be called Dachi, half looking around the office full of intersteing photos and things.

"Well, Mr. Hinata, if you'll follow me we'll take a few pictures for your model application-"

"Yes, Dachi-San!" Hinata hopped out of the chair, following Sawamura excitedly.

They entered a medium sized room with a white back drop, a few lights, and a camera. There was a tall man with a man bun and a beard, scolding a short man wih a blonde streak in his hair as he attempted to add makeup to him.

On a stool in front of the camera there was a man with very fluffy hair in a light blue long sleeve shirt tucked into white jeans that were held up with a belt, posing for a picture. The man behind the camera had grey hair that stuck up and a beauty mark.

"Okay, Hinata, this man behind the camera is the vice president of Karasuno Modeling, Sugawara Kōshi." Sugawara offered a friendly grin that was half hidden behind the camera. "This is our makeup heads, Azumane Asahi-"

"Just call me Asahi, please," The man, Azumane, had a quite starting appearnce, but seemed to be sweet.

"And Nishinoya Yū," The man getting his makeup done smiled brightly, getting himself scolded more. "the young man getting his picture taken is Oikawa Tōru, hes an applicant like you,"

Oikawa stood up, brushing his hair away from his face and thanking Sugawara sweetly. "Anything else, Dachi, or am I free to go?" Oikawa asked, a hand being placed on his hip. His whole aura screamed confidence.

"Talk to Yachi and see if she has any papers for you,"

"Yes sir," Oikawa said in an almost sarcastic tone of voice. Then, it was Hinatas turn for his application photos.


hi, im greyson, im fifteen, and i never fucking learned how to spell,

oh and im a boy.

i am also writing this book, this is a haikyuu!! fanfiction for kageyama x hinata, its in a  model au if you didnt figure that out.

while you wait for this to update you can check out;

I Know//Tsukkiyama//Haikyuu

And my Haikyuu Oneshots book

see you in the next update, which will be longer then this.


Pretty Boy ; Haikyuu!! ; Kagehina ; Modeling AUWhere stories live. Discover now