O5: that time i shifted to a parallel reality

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I decided to make this post because why the hell not and for motivation for you guys. As always, I'll try my best to explain the shift and what happened.


I had been laying in bed right before the shift happened. I had already showered, but I wasn't really ready for bed yet. I was on my phone scrolling threw a fanfiction then suddenly everything went blank.

During The Shift

I was in a reality incredibly similar to our current one, to the point i didnt even realize I had shifted. When I actually started to get the feeling I had that's when I came back. So, I basically spent a day in that's realities time there.

I went threw the night again kind of, it's hard to describe. I had dinner of some sorts with my CR family there, but there where slight differences.

I was in different night clothes and my hair was in braids their but currently my hair is out straight here. That honestly should've been when I realized something was up.

Anyway, i slept there i think and woke up to get ready for school. I had a white uniform shirt and plain (really cute tbh) dark tan skirt. I also had on long white socks. In our universe I haven't worn uniforms since sixth grade, this is what threw me off and then I was back.


I woke up very confused and lost. That reality felt so real to me, I started to get mad confused when I came to see i had shifted. I was like uh what the fuck 😮? For a while and by a while I mean five minutes.

After that i realized I had shifted and instantly became happy. But also sad because I didn't go to my DR, either way it was a good experience

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