Poker Face; Story #1

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Here was a refresher! This idea was by me!!!

It was bad enough Byleth had to loose both her father and her mother in her life..But it was even worse now having a daughter of her own without a father figure.. Byleth knew what it was like never having a mother so she at least wanted her child to have that...
Her ex husband and child's father left her after he was found cheating on her with multiple other women the name Dimitri left a sour taste in her mouth whenever her friends mentioned him.. Sadly enough he wanted nothing to do with their child Jeralt...She named him after her father after his brave loss as a firefighter.
After 2 years she finally wanted to start dating and finding someone new to settle in with.. but it was hard due to her circumstances of having a child and being a single mom.. she'd have her dear friend Marianne watch over her child whenever she had to step out and Hilda visit her to hang out or see the baby..They both where probably there more for her than her own ex husband.

Byleth sighed to herself sitting in a chair near her 1 year old child spoon feeding him some baby food she picked up from the supermarket the other night. She had the TV on in the background listening to the nightly news.
"Cmon sweetie just a tiny bite..!"
Her child happily smiled and laughed at his mother his deep greenish blueish eyes looking right into hers as he opened his mouth taking a big bite. Byleth smiled and rubbed his small bald head giggling.
"Thank you sweetie.."
There suddenly was a ring at the doorbell as Byleth watched her cat flee into her bedroom.
"Hold on okay.."
She kissed her child's forehead as she unlocked the door opening it to see Marianne holding a big bag full of baby supplies wearing some lounging clothing and Hilda wearing a small black dress.

Hilda screeched grabbing Byleths hands and jumped up and down.
"We are going to have soooo so soooooo much fun tonight!!!"
Marianne stood behind Hilda mouthing an "I'm sorry"
Byleth blinked a few times staring at Hilda in confusion.
"A-Wha...? You didn't text me or anything..?"
Hilda shook her head giggling happily.
"Oh trust me this is gonna be great!! It's gonna be a surprise!!" Hilda walked in with Marianne following her her as Byleth sighed closing the door behind her two friends. Marianne sat on the couch placing the bag down as she went over to lil Jeralt cooing.
"Hello little man...."
Hilda stood proudly her hands on her hips.
"Hehehhhh  you like the dress!!! I got it the other day!!!"
Byleth looked at her then the dress..
"A little too scandalous for me..but it looks nice on you.."
Hilda puffed out her cheeks
"Oh come onnn your not gonna ask, "Oh Hilda where can I get one just as cuteeee""
Byleth shook her head and sighed.
"Listen..if you would've told me that you where planning on going out tonight you should've told m-"
She was cut off as her eyes met the table..

Hilda reached into her tote bag and pulled out a black dress only longer and placed it on the table infront of her.
"Of course I was gonna get you something! How could I forget ya!"
Byleth stared at the dress...
It was quite appealing..It was strapless and was cut up the side of the leg..nothing too too showy or flashy.
"Now Hilda..if you don't mind me asking..Where are we going that makes us need to dress like this..?"
Hilda giggles happily almost jumping.
"Wellllll, I bought you this!!!!"
Hilda quickly handed her a small card with a picture of slot machines on it.
"A casinoooooo! I got rooms for us too! Just for the night of course!!"
Marianne walked over holding Jeralt and holding a bottle to his mouth as he drank away.
"A-and I'd be happy to watch him for the night.. it was so nice of Hilda to do this for you..."
Byleth thought for a second and put her hands up.
"Alright alright.. I'll go.."

Hilda almost rushed Byleth up the stairs into her bedroom eagar to do her makeup and help her get ready. Hilda sat her down at her desk  and pulled her hair back to focus on doing all of her makeup.. Applying highlighter..blush then afterwards eyeshadow..eyeliner and falsies.
" for the hair...I think I'm gonna curl it!"
Hilda ran into the bathroom digging around to find a hair curling iron.
It didn't take long for her hair to be in long lavish curls.
Hilda smiled spraying a bunch of hairspray to keep the curls and spin her around to see her work.
"Oooh! Beautiful!!!~ you'll turn heads tonight!!!!"
Byleth got up slowly and walked into her bathroom to see herself in the mirror..She had to admit..she looked really nice...she pressed a hand to her cheek and smiled...
Hilda followed her into the bathroom holding some lip pumper.
"Heh! Let's see how long this stuff lasts!"
Byleth raised an eyebrow as Hilda applied it smiling.
"You know what I mean!"
Hilda slapped her back.
"Okay sexy mama! Go put on your dress and let's get going!"
Byleth watched as Hilda closed the door as Byleth looked at the dress on the bed and began to take off her sleepwear and put on the dress her dear friend has bought her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2020 ⏰

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