moving in

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"my gosh, i'm so exited to meet my new team mates!" you think as you walk up a flight of steps to your new apartment. for the past couple of years you have been away from the leaf village, to train under masters of taijutsu and genjutsu. But after "the incident" you've been ordered to come back to the leaf village and join a team.

as you open the door to your new apartment you get hit by the over powering smell of dust and mildew. after taking a few steps in you feel the floor creaking and shifting under your feet. 

"this is defiantly not the height of luxury," you think. setting down the box you've had in your arms. the box had all your possessions inside it, including a tooth brush, a shoujo manga, a couple tee-shirts, pairs of jeans, a hoodie, and one framed photo of you and your genjutsu teacher.


you were beginning to get hungry, and seeing as you had no food and your apartments smell made you wretch  you decided to eat-out. walking down the little dusty roads, you started to catch whiffs of something delicious. following your nose, you ended up finding yourself at a small Ramen shop. as you entered the delicious smells wafted into you, nearly knocking you over. After regaining your ability to think straight you noticed a boy, about your age. he had a green jumpsuit and orange legwarmers on, not only this, but we was also styling a bowl-cut .

he turned to you and smiled, then turned back to the counter. 

"omgosh, he's cute  (❁'◡'❁)" you think to yourself as you sit down, still blushing a little.

you order a miso ramen, as you watch it getting made you start to think 

"maybe i should talk to him, he's kinda cute. plus i'm kinda new here and i need to start making friends with people. w a i t , what am i saying? that would be so awkward, what would i even say to start the convo, "hEy Ur KyOoT wAnNa tAlK?" no way!"

just as you were thinking this you heard him speak,

"hello, i do not believe i have seen you around here before, are you new to the leaf village?"

as you turn to look you see that hes giving you a sweet smile

"oh, yes actually. i just moved into an apartment a couple blocks away. my name is Y/N" you replied a little sheepishly 

"Y/N, i am Rock Lee. it is always nice to see new faces around the leaf." as he said this it was as if his smile somehow got even sweeter than before.

you turned away, blushing a little. it was at this moment a nice looking old man set a bowl of steaming miso ramen in front of you. remembering how hungry you were you picked up your chop-sticks and began to eat  

 remembering how hungry you were you picked up your chop-sticks and began to eat  

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