Chapter 1

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i sit in the fields once more as i watch as the blue birds fly by. I hang in the tree as the wind plays with my hair. The couples kiss below as i feel a longing in them stomach.

no one likes me

so i watch

I wish i could over throw the Queen of this retched place. bring all this horrible torture on myself go away

let it travel with the wind

there is a way to you know

You want to know why i call my world Terra?

cause the only thing that can bring the queen down is if a peasent can reach a sacred spirt that has been hiden for genarations. Thousands of brave souls have been said to of went on the quest of puersing the sacred spirt.

None of them have come back the same.

Most of them die on the quest

 if their lucky

the ones that do come back come insane with terror in their eyes

they're the only people that will ever talk to me

"They came out with swords..." one man had said when i was caring for him "glinting in the sun... blood laughing.." i had shushed him and put hm the sleep.

My only powers where to put people to sleep and bring death to them

that was it.

and yet no one knew who i was.

Some times i wonder if i really am a shadow

no one sees me anyways

The queen is evil

the queen is retched

and the queen must die

another thing about the Queen of the world between reality and dreams

she is evil

No one dare disobey her.

she will kill you.

 Only if your lucky.

Rumor has it among us all that she even had a book  of torture she went to sleep reading.

And everyone that tried

even the bravest souls

had failed the wuest.

 The Spirit of Terra is what it was called.

The Spirit of Terra.

And i would find it

find it i would

to my last



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