she's an old friend or ours

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From Josie :

Good morning Hope :)

Hope receives Josie's text as she's getting ready for school, and it honestly makes her smile like a fool. She quickly writes good morning to Josie too before going downstairs to meet with her aunts before going to school.

"Someone's in a good mood this morning." Keelin says with a chuckle.

That's when Hope realises she's still smiling from Josie's text. The auburn haired girl blushes and takes an apple from the fruit basket.

Freya giggles. "I'm guessing it has something to do with a pretty girl called Josie."

Hope swallows the bite she just took, and then she smirks. "Maybe."

"You look so happy since she came into your life. That's a good change."

Hope feels a little guilty about lying to her family about Josie, but the younger girl does make her happier. So Hope just smiles and nods, before avoiding any other eye contact.

"I have to go now, or I'll be late."

"Have a good day at school!" Freya says as Hope is already walking out of the room. "I love you."

"Love you too." Hope shouts just before closing the door behind her.


From Josie:

I have to talk to you. Can I call you?

Hope sees the text at lunch break, and she immediately dials Josie's number. It rings exactly three times before Josie picks up, and every rings makes Hope a little more nervous than the one before.

"Hello." Josie's soft voice comes into the phone.

"Hi, it's me, Hope." It's so awkward that Hope actually cringes.

Josie giggles. "I know, your name appears on the screen when you call."

"Oh, yeah, of course." Hope says. "So, you had to talk to me."

"Oh, yeah. So it's Halloween this week end, and Stephanie Salvatore is throwing a big party. I know that people from both of our school are invited, so I wanted to ask you to come... with me." The last part of Josie's sentence is added, like she wasn't sure how Hope would take the invitation.

Hope smiles. "Yeah, I heard about the party. Of course I'll go with you. Did you have a costume in mind?"

"Well, not really." Josie deadpans.

"It has to be a couple costume. I'll look for something tonight."

"You could come over and we could check it out together." Josie suggests.

"Sure. I'll be over late though, I have volleyball practice."

"Today? I thought it was supposed to be tomorrow." Josie says confused.

Hope sighs. "I have one tomorrow too. We have a big game friday."

Josie hums. "Do you want me to come and be your very own cheerleader?"

It makes Hope laugh. "How could I say no to that?"

"Good! See you tonight?"

"Yeah, I'll text you when practice is over."

"Have a good day."

"You too."

There's a chuckle on Hope's right side and the auburn haired girl quickly turns around to glare at her friend. When her glare falls on Penelope, the short haired girl laughs even harder. Hope's glare turns into a frown.

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