"It'd be cool if they had play dates or something!" I laugh. "Yea, she is only 3 and hasn't gotten much interaction, we also think she might be on the spectrum of autism and we'd like to start getting her to socialize so she can be more higher functioning." Kairi smiles back. "Oh really? Well, I'm sure Dante would love to meet her at some point." I look at Kairi fondly.

It was getting to be golden hour and the orange tones of the sunlight casted upon his skin through the window. In that moment everything felt different than just a moment ago. It must have done the same to me because he looked at me with such a fascinated expression.

I suddenly wanted to know everything about him.

This feeling is really unfamiliar to me.

I wonder if he feels the same?

I look down feeling quite bashful at the emotions I'm experiencing.

"Are you ok? You're acting a bit different." Kairi mentions seeming concerned.

I get a huge smile on my face.

I look up to him.

He notices my smile and smiles back with a toothy grin.

"I was uh, wondering, would you like to hang out again sometime? I-I really enjoyed this." I see him tilt his head to the side a bit.

"Uh, Yea, sure! I'd love to. I also enjoyed this a lot." He rubs the back of his neck.

"I liked this too!" Dante chirps.

"It was really nice to formally meet you Dante!" Kairi says to Dante. "You too!" Dante replies.

"It's getting kinda late, isn't it?" I mention. "I guess it is." Kairi seems upset. "I'll make sure to keep in touch with you!" I say to try and cheer him up. "Oh, yea! Totally!" He smiles.

"I have to call an Uber so you don't have to wait for me to leave." Kairi says. "Ah, ok. I'll be on my way then." I smile as I get up slowly.

"We're leaving?" Dante whines. "Uh, yea bud. Sorry." I apologize. "No, i don't want to. I want to stay with Kai." Dante crosses his arms. "We have to go, come on." I make grabby hands. "Fine." Dante gives up and grabs my hand and jumps down from the booth.

"Bye!" I wave as I grab my jacket and leave. "Bye." Kairi waves back.

I walk out and go to my car. I get my keys out and unlock my car.

"Go on, get in." I say to Dante. "Ok papa." Dante opens the door and gets in his seat. I open my door and get in myself.

I turn on the car and wait for Dante to get buckled up before leaving.


Me and Dante had just gotten home.

I turned off my car and got out. I opened Dante's door for him and he jumped down.

We walk up to our door and I unlock it and we go inside.

"Did you have fun today?" I ask Dante. "Yea I did!" Dante smiles happily. "How was Daycare?" I question. His mood seems to change. "I don't like Daycare." I pouts a bit. "Why not?" I genuinely wanna know. "You and Uncle Alejandro aren't there." He whines. "Oh, bud, why didn't you say so before?" I get more to his level of height.

"I didn't want you to be upset." He looks down a bit. "Oh, I wouldn't get upset. Come here, give me a hug. I'm sorry you felt that." I open my arms for him and he hugs me. I can feel him dig is head into my neck.

I sigh.

I'm gonna have to find a way to get him used to not seeing me. I don't want him going to school and having troubles due to missing me.

As hard as it is to think such a thing but, I'm gonna have to make him spend time away from me so he gets used to it.

I could ask Alejandro to let him start spending complete nights at his house.

I slowly let go of Dante and give him a faint smile.

"You should go bathe and put your pajamas on. I'll be there in a minute to start your bath." I state and Dante nods in response. I watch as he walks to his room to get clothes.

I get up and head to my own room.

I lay my blazer on my bed and set my paperwork down on my dresser.

I walk into my own bathroom and look myself in the mirror. I rub my eyes out of exhaustion.

I walk back into my bedroom and take off my shoes and put them in my closet. I take off my turtleneck and put on a loose tee-shirt along with some shorts.

I go over to the hall-bathroom to start Dante's bath. I turn on the faucet and let the water warm up.

"Dante!" I call. "Yea!" He responds. "Bubbles or no bubbles?" I ask. "Bubbles!" He yells back excitedly.

I hear the patter of his feet as he walks in. "Your bath's ready." I tell him. "Thanks papa!" He says as I leave.

I walk to the kitchen thinking of what I should make for dinner.

Maybe grilled cheese or something? I don't feel like cooking a lot tonight.

Dante likes grilled cheese so I'll make it, but he also generally likes any food so it won't matter.

I get the oven preheated to make grilled cheese.


Grilled cheese for the win.

Sorry, filler chapter I guess



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