|| Chapter 2 ||

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Nutrition was coming to an end which meant the three of us all had to go to third period. Algebra 2. Good thing we all had each other or else math would've killed us slowly but deadly.

"Kai did we have homework?" Nikolai of course never did her homework. "You know Lai if you want the homework you know where I live.." Kai sent her a playful smirk. "you're disgusting.." Nikolai was gorgeous, big green eyes, perfect brunette hair, straight teeth and a nose ring to finish it off. She was Kai's type but she didn't know it.

"okay kids, turn in your homework from last night then open your notebooks for a new lesson." the entire class groaned including me because our math teacher wasn't the best at explaining well math, duh.

"Title this as Evaluating Quadratic Fomulas" said Mr.Johnson. "what the hell are quadra-" And this is the part where Nikolai gets in trouble for speaking when she isn't suppose to. "Nikolai if you keep talking when I'm talking then you can teach this class instead and from what I can see with your grade in my class I suggest you let me do my job."

Goooood Job Nikolai, real smooth.

"Okay kids once you're done solving the examples I gave you come get your homework assignment from my desk."
By this time the three of us were just chit chatting instead of doing work, usual us.

"Students I would like all of you to welcome Mr.Lincoln to Lakeside High....take a seat wherever you like." Mr.Johnson was basically screaming to the entire class about a new kid. Every single girl who looked at this Lincoln kid were star struck, I mean he's really attractive but like damn calm down he's just a boy.

By sixth period Lincoln was known by half of the school, mainly by freaky obsessed girls. I also know this because he's in 4 of my class, what are the freakin odds of that ladies and gentlemen....note the sarcasm.

"PARADISE HOW THE HELL ARE YOU NOT FREAKING OUT OVER LINCOLN?!" Nikolai said while spitting all over me. Gross. "Damn Lai he's just a dude calm down" said Kai with a tone of jealousy.

I smirked at him knowing why he was being a little possessive with Nikolai, hint hint he likes her of course. Ding Ding we have a winner for those who all knew that. He's always had a crush on her from the minute we brought him into our group but he doesn't make it obvious because as you can see she doesn't like him back. Kai told me about his feelings awhile back that's why I always tease him for teasing her. Yes I know I know, I'm the best friend that everyone wishes they could have.

At this point I didn't even notice that I was sitting with only Kai outside of school waiting for my ride. If you're wondering, Nikolai left to go talk to Lincoln, hey she has guts so I'll give her props for that.

"Well Pear I gotta walk home so I'll see you tomorrow and tell Lai that I'll text her later." He gives me a playful wink then walks in the opposite direction of all the crazy girls and Lincoln.

"HEY NIKOLAI GET OVER HERE OR IM LEAVING WITHOUT YOU!" I tried screaming the loudest I could to get her attention but failed due to all the high pitched fan girling going on in the back. So I did what I had to do.

I'm trying to get intro the crowd of bodies all pressed against each other but damn these girls are stuck together like glue. I made my way up to Nikolai, it was about damn time. I yanked on her arm and told her our ride was here but she completely ignored me.

"CAN EVERYBODY SHUT THE HELL UP AND MOVE PLEASE..." I usually don't scream but my gosh these girls are too much he's a FREAKIN BOY.

I return my attention towards Nikolai who has now clung onto Lincoln's arm. You've got to be kidding me. I give him a fake grin and stand as close to him as possible. Given the fact that he's about 6'2 and I'm about 5'4 gives me a disadvantage.

"Okay, Lincoln right? Well my ride is here and my dear friend needs to come with me so if you can please move along I'd really appreciate it." He looks at me with no emotion then gives me a quirky grin. "Oh I'm sorry, but it's your friend who you should be talking to and not me because I don't actually know who you are cupcake."

um what the hell was that?

By this point I was tired and hungry and wasn't in the mood to deal with stuff like this so I did what any best friend would do. I pulled Nikolai by the arm not caring if I was hurting her and walked in the direction of my moms car.

I turned around towards Lincoln and saw him looking at the both of us, so I simply flipped him off.

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