"You mean with his watch?"

"Yes. When I saw it, I had a horrifying flashback."

"What kind of flashback, ribbit?"

Now I hesitated, "Before I tell you, you have to promise not to say anything about it. I only have a few people who know..."

"Is it that bad?" she asked worriedly, I nodded.

"Please, Syu."

"Okay, I won't say anything, I promise."

I took a deep breath, "When I was thirteen, my dad sexually assaulted me."

Her eyes went wide again as tears stung mine.

"He did what, ribbit?! Did you tell anyone?"

I dug my nails into the floor, "I couldn't, not even my mom! I care about her so much, I just didn't want to see her get abused more."

"I understand that, but you can't keep stuff like that to yourself! Did you even go to the police?"

I took my hands from the floor, put them on my knees, and shook my head. Tears started trickling down my cheeks.

"No... Not even them."

"Ariella!" she snapped.

"I was terrified, Syu! My tears were blood red and my wings were out! I can't run to the police station like that!"

She back up a bit, "You still should have, ribbit! If not them or your Mom, who did you tell?

I wiped my eyes, "Bakugou. After my dad assaulted me, I ran out of the house. I stopped in front of his place because I couldn't run anymore."

"Why did you tell him instead of Midoriya? I thought you two weren't close."

"I lied. After that happened, we were for a while. I made him promise not to say anything and he didn't, until today."

"Wait, hold on a sec. Is that what you two were fighting about during training?"

"It was, and he also stopped me from trying to train with Deku."

"Really? No wonder you looked hurt and broken after that, ribbit." Syu said.

I crossed my arms, "Yeah, no thanks to him! Then we got sent back..."

"What happened when you two came back?"

"I took a nap, I don't know what he did. When I was napping, I had that nightmare of the assault."

"What? Were you okay?" she asked with worry.

"I was fine, but my dream-self wasn't... Soon as I woke up, I shouted out Bakugou's name and he came running into my room. I just didn't know he did."

"How did you not? Weren't you in it?"

"No, I was puking in the bathroom! I felt sick right after that nightmare."

"Oh, ribbit. So he was already here when you got out?"

I nodded, "He was, and I did the most random thing after."

"And that was?"

My cheeks burned, "I ran and hugged him tightly, I knocked us both to the ground."

"Oh my god, ribbit! What did he do?"

"He put his hand on my head and held me closer..."

"He did not! I don't believe that."

"Well, he did! Just after I said, 'to not let my dad hurt me anymore'."

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