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Wylie: Hi. Welcome to Kotlc Reacts. Bye. Ok, is that good enough?

Me: No, no, no, do it one more time

Wylie:*Groan* *Accidentally publishes* Whoops. My bad

Entity *In a monotone voice*: You shall pay for your actions. Proceed with a tickle fight.

Wylie: *Laughing hysterically because he is super ticklish*

Me: Right....um ok could you just turn the page, please? No? You wanna see what happens? Well, don't say I didn't warn ya...

Lihn: *Walks into the room* What is going on?

Me: Nothing

Lihn: *Looks at Wylie and Entity and shrugs*

Me: Ok right um moving on

Entity: Dream, Wylie doesn't believe that we are one.


Me and Entity: Because we are one and one of us. We are no more than a speck in a universe. You are a smaller speck in the universe

Wylie: Wow that hurts dude.

Me: Why aren't we actually doing what we are supposed to be doing?

Linh: Because of him *points to Entity*

Entity: You shall not accuse. Initiate Lasers.


Entity: Just kidding. Your face was priceless. Ha Ha Ha.

Me: Wow, Entity, you are really rocking the 'AI Robot' theme

Wylie: Wait you mean he isn't a robot?

Me: No! Of course not! He's just a normal human being

Linh: *muttering* And to think people like him exist

Entity: I heard that

Wylie: Wait a second if he is a human then how could he initiate lasers?

Me: We're getting off track! Get the rest of the Keeper Krew and lets actually get started 

Warning: If you thought this short conversation was weird and just cringe, then the next chapters are gonna be a whole lot worse

All characters other than Me and Entity are owned by Shannon Messenger

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