Start from the beginning

"So what was the job again?" Denki asked Eijirou, going to stand up since he fancied a drink. Cautiously stepping towards the anger zone, slipping by Katsuki with a civil smile.

"It was a job to work in design for Hero Costume Company... the one that Iida uses for his costume?" Eijirou impatiently explained. "You know... because she's crazy talented at such things,"

"I still don't see why she just works under your agency, bro... or one of ours," The golden-blond answered, frowning when he found no soda in the fridge, proceeding to skirt to the countertop to find something else. Clearly he was starting to annoy Katsuki from the piercing glares he was sent, but it didn't stop him.

"You don't think I've already suggested that?" Eijirou replied. "You know what she's like, whilst she said she'll want to use us for promotional use... she likes to get things done her own way and this is the way she wants to take it,"

"She an independent woman who don't need no man!" Mina hollered, not thinking what she said as she released a sheepish laugh at Eijirou's glare. "Okay- well... excluding you! You know what I mean!"

"Whatever, Pinky stop being a dumbass,"

"I can't believe we've been friends for six years and you still call me Pinky, Bakugou,"

"Shut the fuck up,"

"Okay, where the hell have all the god damn drinks gone in this house?!" Denki huffed from behind Katsuki. Eijirou looked over, frowning for a second before he remembered he'd completely forgotten to bring them from the car.

"Oh, shit... I left them in the car," He uttered. "Do you mind fetching them for me, Denki? My keys are on the side over there,"

"I'm your guest, but I guess if it means I get hydrated," Denki mumbled under his breath.

"Stay hydrated kids," Hanta said from the sofa, having been exceptionally quiet given the interest in the show playing.

"Thanks Dad!" Was the last thing Denki said before he'd slipped out the room. He quickly grabbed the keys on his way out, whipping his phone to check for any messages during the walk to the front door. He hummed to himself, smirking at a meme that briefly popped up on his Instagram feed. Denki soon reached the front door, opening it and stepping outside into the scene of dusk. The sun was eager to set, a vibrant orange and pink glow emanated from the horizon, clouds dotted across the flamed atmosphere as the red ball faded with each second passing by. The house in which you and Eijirou lived in always gave a great view of sunset, especially from your bedroom balcony where many nights had been spent together.

It was there Denki near crapped himself when he heard the sound of a car locking, given the fact Eijirou's keys were snug tight in the pocket of his basketball shorts. But he looked up, phone proceeding to lock when he saw you hurriedly heading up the pathway towards him.

"Oh! Y/N, hey!" Denki greeted with a wave, the warm smile on his face dropping instantly when he received no optimism back. You looked to the ground, arms filled with rolls of paper and a bag carrying notepads that contained many sketches of your creation. See, Denki and yourself had known each other since you were kids, and he was the entire reason you and Eijirou met. So you knew the moment he noticed something was wrong you weren't getting into your house peacefully. In truth, you didn't even know why he was there in first place. Usually Eijirou told you when people were coming round, so his presence did startle you.

"Are you good, Y/N?" Denki spoke up again, making those last few steps towards you since you'd stopped dead. He raised a brow at you, looking down in a caring concern before he noticed that your eyes were teary and your cheeks faintly red. His own eyes widened, the rare serious side of the golden-blond emerging in even more skepticism. "What's wrong?"

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