Chapter Two - The Floating Hat

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"Gah...!!!" Misthel exclaims loudly in frustration after she discovers that they just passed the same silly big rock, that they had already passed nine times now! Nyzz sighs tiredly at Misthels sudden outburst and climbs up on the big rock.

Nyzz's height didn't make it any easier for her... she couldn't see or spot anything up there...except for those tall trees blocking the view. Nyzz lets out a defeated sigh and slides slowly down the rock, and is now leaning her back against it in a resting position. While Misthel keeps muttering frustrated to herself.

Nyzz is about to fall asleep, when Misthel suddenly hears something rummage nearby and pulls Nyzz up on her feet and gestures to her with a silent hand movement, that she should stay close by. Nyzz tiredly fights to keep her eyes from closing and rubs them repeatedly with her tiny hands.

Misthel wants to get closer to the source of the sounds and pulls Nyzz with her once again. Making Nyzz grumble a bit annoyed at Misthels sudden need to explore further into the forest.

Suddenly Misthel halts, causing Nyzz to almost trip by the shift. There between the trees, on the other side of the thickly grown bushes is a.... floating hat? Misthel is immediately intrigued and throwing all caution to the wind, not to mention forgetting about the fact it could be dangerous, rushes after it!

Nyzz is sure that if Misthel keeps this up, her arm will be ripped out of its socket! Luckily in her hurry to catch up, Misthels grip loosens and Nyzz's arm is free! Not that Nyzz had much time to enjoy this seeing as Misthel is rushing off, ducking and jumping over any obstical in her way.... How in the world is this clumsy, reckless elf suddenly so graceful?! Normally she would have ended up face first in a bush or running into a tree! Nyzz thinks to herself, as she tries to stretch out her arm after being dragged a few miles.

Finally Misthel catches up to the hat, there is now only some thick bushes between them. Nyzz catches up and walks over calmly only to see Misthel on top of a fallen tree trunk, on her toes, stretching in an attempt to grab the hat from over the tall bushes. This plan quickly fails as Nyzz lets out a loud yawn, catching not only Misthels attention as she falls back landing on her ass, but it seemed to also have stopped the magical hat in its tracks. Misthel and Nyzz looks between the hat and each other, not really sure what their next move should be, however Mistel soon realises that this is her chance and quickly jumps through the bush, grabbing the hat and holding it up in victory!

Nyzz cautiously walks after Misthel, nervous of what mess the elf had caused now. Nyzz then looks up to see an elderly man in grey robes looking shocked between her and the female elf who was now......... doing what appears to be a victory dance? While she is holding the hat tightly in her grip. Nyzz is both amused and slightly embarrassed of the scene happening before her.

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