Chapter 4

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When the two got home they found Jay in the kitchen, playing with some old locks and a timer. He waved at them before returning his attention to the locks.

"Aren't you glad I got you out of your office?" 035 nudged 049 in the side with his elbow before putting his books on the coffee table.

"It certainly was an enjoyable outing, I'll give you that. I really should get back to work though."049 began heading towards the stairs before 035 pulled him towards the couch and made him sit down.

"Nope, you're gonna stay down here and get your mind off work." With that 035 sat down, his legs across 049's lap.

049 sighed, grabbing a book of the table to read. He'd finish his work later.

The rest of the day was filled with reading, cups of tea, and a few card games.

035 threw down his cards after loosing another game to 049. A small smile crossed 049's face before a knock made him look towards the door. 035 stood up and looked out through the peephole before opening the door.

On the other side stood 079, the plates of his body shifting back into place. "Greetings."

"Hello, 079," 049 stood, going into the kitchen to grab a bag of food for 053.

"The body feel better now that you've tinkered with it?" 035 asked.


"Here," 049 handed a the bag to 079. "This should last her awhile, I made sure there was enough of everything."

079 looked inside checking the food quickly. "Thank you. There have been no updates regarding the foundation, they shouldn't have any information on our location."

"Good, good. Well, best of wishes to you and the others." 049 nodded, shutting the door as 079 left.

035 watched 079 walked along the trail. 049 was quietly making his way upstairs back into his office to continue working. Unfortunately for him heels aren't known for being quiet.

Two arms wrapped around his waist, holding him in place. "Where do you think you're going?" 035 rested his head on 049's shoulder.

"Dear, I really should get back to work, there's something I need to do."

035 didn't budge.

"It won't take long, I promise and then I won't have anything else I need to do."

"Fine, just don't take to long."

035 let go and 049 mad his way into the office. He grabbed the mask of the self and sat down.

Soon the mask good as new, the edges smoothed and clean. 049 looked out the window, the sun would be setting soon.

Making his way downstairs he could hear the others chatting excitedly, he looked into the living room to find 035 wrapping Jay in chains and locking them tightly.

"You think you'll be able to get out of that Jay?"

The two looked at 049, Jay excited as ever and 035 as if he had been caught doing something he shouldn't have.

"Of course I can! Ready?"

035 and 049 nodded as Jay got to work undoing the chains and locks. Before long he stood holding everything in his arms.

The two gave a round of applause as Jay took a deep bow.

"As great an escape artist as ever." 049 smiled, leaning down a bit to whisper to 035. "I blame you for his dramatics."

035 gasped placing his hand on his heart. "Doc how could you!" A chuckle escaped 035 as he wrapped his arm around 049.

"Oh don't worry, it's rather charming."

Jay, who was had begun packing everything up, looking out the window as the quickly darkening sky. Deciding it was time to sleep he went upstairs to bed.

Soon 035 and 049 went upstairs as well. Once they were curled up in bed 035 asked "Did you have a good day not spending it all in your office?" Even with the lights out 049 could tell 035 was smiling.

"I did, thank you dear." He planted a small kiss on the masks cheek before they drifted off to sleep.

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