He stared at you in shock, his mouth hanging open. He could only try and gag out a few words but nothing fully came out as he tried digesting the information you just told him. He finally found his voice again but you quickly interrupted him.

" AND the very same guard that enacted such atrocities was also the guard who was dragging me away. Do you think he was going to take me to where I was supposed to be taken? No, He was going to take me somewhere dark to finish what he started. My friends saved my life, and you are punishing them severely for it" You talked down on him as if he was the lowest life form you had ever seen. He was not, but at the moment he was pretty damn close.

He took in a deep breath through his nose, closing his eyes and just standing there in silence for a minute. You glared at him the entire time, hoping the feeling of your burning stare was making him as uncomfortable as possible.

" Y/N... I love these people like family, but they have just killed a man in this facility, I don't want it but they could be taken away to prison where they will have no help... or even get the death sentence for the crimes they have already committed.

"You're not even trying! You claim to love them but your not even putting any effort, your talking to me, trying to convince me that you're the good guy, when you should be out there! fighting for them, trying to help them! and punishing the guards who continued to beat and hurt them long after they were disabled."

" I AM DOING EVERYTHING I CAN!!" He shouted, finally losing his cool and slamming his hands down on the table so hard that the glasses on his face almost fell off. " Please Y/N stick with me here, I'm trying everything I can but I also have to worry about you too!"

" Than help them! if you want to help me you need to help them!" You cried pleadingly at him, tears running down your face as you started sobbing uncontrollably. Your shoulders shaking as your Body shook. " They're all I have here, I can't have them be taken away!" He only looked down at you in sadness as you cried in front of him.

" I'll do what I can Y/N... Its time for you to go have dinner," he said in finality turning away from you as some Guards entered the room. You refused to meet his form as you were walked out and down the hall. Passing the room you hid in, then the group room, before making it to the main room and then into the cafeteria.

You were unchained other than the ones around your ankles and wrists. However you did not move, you stood there in the same spot staring sadly at the empty table where the others would usually be sitting right now.

After a minute you moved to the table, ignoring the food line and sitting down, placing your forehead down on your arms that were crossed on the cold tabletop.

You were not in the mood to eat, the image of your friends being so hurt was still so sickeningly fresh in your mind. You could only wait until it was time to leave.

You wanted to avoid the showers, not wanting to relive the memories, but you did not have a say in the matter. Your thoughts were shattered as you were suddenly shoved from your seat. You looked up slowly to see a seething Olivia, breathing heavily through gritted teeth.

"It's your fault that Willy was so hurt! I'll make you pay you, bitch!" She screamed at you before throwing herself on you. scratching on you and beating you down. You held your hands up and tried to ward off her attacks. You tried to look around for help but all the other patients were just staring, the only guard in the room quickly ran out along with all the chefs into the kitchen.

You did not have your friends to back you up this time, you were on your own. You placed your feet into her stomach and kicked her off, quickly getting to your feet.

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