there's too many Ms. Mikaelson in this room

Start from the beginning

"Sorry love, I guess I was surprised to wake up next to such a beautiful girl." Hope says with a sweet voice.

Josie huffs. "Yeah, right!"

The younger girl sits up in bed and gives Hope a teasing smile. She glances at the door and sighs in relief when she realises Hope's aunts are gone.

"They're gone." Josie says as she lets her eyes fall back on Hope.

Hope's hands immediately cover her face as she lets a groan out.

"I almost screwed everything up, didn't I?" Hope says. "Shit, I should of realised what was happening. I mean you kissed my neck and everything."

Josie tries hard to not pay attention to the fact that Hope's voice is a lot huskier when she just woke up, but she fails miserably. It was just so hot. Then she realises that Hope definitely felt and remembered the kisses. Josie knows she must be blushing hard at this point.

"Your aunt Rebekah is suspicious of me." Josie drops.

"What? Why? What did you hear?"

"She thinks I'm just someone who's gonna take advantage of you." Josie sighs. "Why is everything so complicated?"

Josie gets lost in thoughts after that, and she doesn't realise that Hope is carefully watching her. The older girl is leaning on her elbows as her eyes roam on Josie. She notices how Josie looks tired and sad. Hope sits up in bed and lets her eyes rest on Josie. She tightens her jaws and shakes her head.

"Josie, what's going on in that pretty head of yours?" Hope says quietly.

Josie looks over her shoulder and her eyes meet Hope's. "Nothing."

Hope gets a little closer to Josie. "You can tell me. Whatever it is."

Hope delicately puts one of Josie's brown locks back in place as her eyes never leave her friend's. Josie swallows hard and opens her mouth to speak.

"I'm just... It's just that I really have to use the bathroom."

When Josie looks back at Hope, she sees the older girl's face is blank. Suddenly, Hope starts laughing and actually clutches her stomach because she's laughing too hard.

"You got me worried idiot! Bathroom is down the hall, the door is red, you can't miss it."

Hope's chuckles as Josie quickly gets up and leaves the room. When the brunnette is out of sight, Hope lets herself fall back on her bed. She could still feel how nice it felt when Josie kissed her neck earlier. She could definitely get used to that kind of attention. Then, her mind wanders to her aunt Rebekah. Hope tightens her jaw as she thinks about how her aunt could make everything blow up in her face. The fake-relationship was one thing, losing Josie was another. She just couldn't imagine her life without Josie's warm brown eyes looking at her so softly.

"Are you going back to sleep?" Josie's soft voice comes from the doorway.

Hope is quick to sit back up. "No! I was just... thinking."


"Us." Hope sighs and looks down at her hands, suddenly feeling very vulnerable. "Josie, can you promise to still be my friend even if things go wrong? I- I don't wanna lose you."

With her head still down, Hope misses how Josie's face softens when she hears her words. The brunette walks to the bed and sits right in front of Hope, very close to the auburn haired girl, close enough for their knees to touch.

"Hope, you're not losing me. Whatever happens, I'll stay by your side. You're stuck with me now."

Hope quickly looks up, her face is serious. "I wouldn't want it any other way."

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