Start from the beginning

"Thank you, Mr. Dalton. You just illustrated the point. Swim against the stream," Keating nodded.

You looked over at Charlie to see him snickering at you, shaking his head softly at your movements.

"Oh, knock it off, Dalton. You aren't even moving, so you can't judge," you said defensively, moving towards him.

"Sure I can, it's within my rights," he smiled before pushing off of the pillar and joining in on your weird dancing. After he had shown you a few awful moves, you gave in and smiled, mentally forgiving him for laughing at you.

"To live deep and suck out all the marrow of life. To put to rout all that was not life," Neil read as you all sat in the cave, except Charlie and Knox. Now that you thought about it, you had no idea where Charlie was.

"Wait a minute guys, do you know where Charlie is?" you asked before anyone could say another word.

"I-" Neil began, but he was cut off by the sound of a girl giggling.

"Oh, my God!" Cameron said. You narrowed your eyes and listened closely as footsteps approached.

"Is this it?" A girl asked.

"Yeah, this is it. Go ahead, go on in. It's my cave. Watch your step," someone replied. It was Charlie. You sucked in a quick breath and tried to stop yourself from jumping to conclusions too quickly.

"We're not gonna slip, are we?" A different girl said. He brought two?


Just then a blonde girl with a bright red shirt plopped down into the cave. She certainly got dressed up for the event, her hair was perfectly curled and her lipstick was applied seamlessly.

"Hi," she smiled,

Meeks stood up quickly and slammed his head into the low ceiling. "Hello," Meeks greeted. Your eyes darted to Violet who was glaring skeptically at the two girls. Violet was never really one to speak up or pick a fight, but you couldn't exactly say the same for yourself. You took in another deep breath and closed your eyes, trying not to get angry too quickly.

"Hello," Gloria nodded.

"Hi, you guys. Meet, uh, Gloria and--" Charlie started, forgetting the other girl's name. This gave you a small amount of satisfaction, but not enough.

"Tina," the girl in blue reminded him.

"Tina. This is the pledge class of the Dead Poets Society."

"Hello. How do you do?" the boys said politely.

"Hello," Neil said.

"Hi. Hi," Gloria said for the third time. You rolled your eyes, refusing to greet these new girls. Did Charlie even tell them he had a girlfriend?

"Guys, move. Move. Come on, folks. It's Friday night. Let's get on with meeting," Charlie prompted. Everyone made way for the girls and it took everything in you to not trip Gloria as she passed you.

"Sorry. Excuse- Excuse me," the boys apologized as they made room, which only made you angrier. It's not like they were royalty or something.

"Guys, I have an announcement to make. In keeping with the spirit of passionate experimentation of the Dead Poets, I'm giving up the name Charlie Dalton. From now on, call me Nuwanda," Charlie declared. Tina pulled out a tube of red lipstick and Charlie swiped it from her hands to draw red symbols on each of his cheeks.

You immediately scoffed, louder than you'd planned. You normally would've laughed at his antics, but jealousy clouded those feelings. Charlie's eyes flew to you.

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