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Eris Moriarty was not like other people. Not that she minded. In fact- she was rather happy about it. She looked out the window at the busy street filled with boring mindless drones, happy to live their lives in dull repetition for a mediocre life.
While others wanted for family and love, she wanted power. And the power she had could be felt everywhere in the world.
She typed at her computer and sipped her wine, arranging details of a client's request.

Eris was the world's first consulting criminal. People paid astronomical amounts for her help. Whether you wanted to disappear, you wanted someone out of your way or perhaps someone needed a bit of convincing, she could arrange it. It wasn't hard; her web spanned nations and even extended into MI6, CIA and other large secret organisations.

"Sebastian." She called and he entered the room. "Bring them in."

He nodded and left, silently closing the door behind him. She closed her laptop and stood to welcome her guests, glass still in hand. The door opened once more and Sebastian entered followed by another three men. They all wore expensive suits, had slicked back hair and radiated arrogance.

"Hello miss, where's the boss then?" One inquired looking around curiously. She smiled coyly and he seemed to relax.

In one sudden strike, she slammed her wine glass into his head as it shattered.
He screamed in pain as glass dug into his skin and eye and blood poured from his wounds. The man collapsed in a heap in front of her as the two others backed away hurriedly. Eris blinked and glanced up at the other men smiling.

"Shall we continue?"

The two nodded terrified whereas Sebastian behind them watched amused.

"Sebastian, clean this up." She waved a hand towards the unconscious man at her feet. "These are Louboutins."

At this same time, Eve looked around a small office.

"Excuse the smell." Carolyn apologised but Eve's attention was on the furthest wall. A dark haired woman pinned more clippings up before turning to them both.

"Ah Holmes, I wasn't aware you knew about this place." Carolyn said. The woman shrugged disinterested.

"Yes well, it's no Fort Knox." She turned her attention to Eve. "You must be Eve Polastri. I'd like to try your husband's shepherd's pie."

Sherlock turned back to look at the wall. Eve stepped forward clutching her bag on her shoulder.

"Wait, how do you-?"

"She can take one look and deduce everything about you." Carolyn explained. "It's rather annoying actually."

Sherlock laughed.

"Only because you wish you could do the same Carolyn." Sherlock stated, connecting one clipping to another.

"That- That's amazing." Eve said stunned. The Holmes woman turned back to look at Eve curiously.

"That's not what most people say." Sherlock mused.

"What do they normally say?" Eve questioned.

"Piss off."

A/N- A small chapter to start. Please let me know what you think so far. Thanks!

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