Chapter 5 final battle.....i think

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Me and millena went to her fathers coliseum. Let's just say he wasn't happy to see me. The guards attempted to kill me. Thankfully Millena stayed by me. Which was bad because we had to stay by her father. I watched the fights. How does one human body have that much blood.i gaged at most of the missing body parts. Hey is that Johnny cage. Love his movies but he's an asshole.
as I was making this I realized I fucked the timeline just a tad bit.
"So people from earth realm send worries to fight your fathers so he can't invade?"I questioned millena.
"Yep" she say ms sitting down with me.
I rub my temples
"But how did you get m*smack*"
I felt my self being interrupted by a slap. I around to see a man in a portal with white hair and a kitana looking at me.

The portal closes

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

The portal closes. And everything was "normal" or as normal could be. Millena looked at me. "Who slapped you and when" millena said with a killer intent. "I don't know look just forget about......please" I begged. She will most likely get killed going after that guy. "Ok but only for now"she says I see a weird guy with a bamboo hat and a guy with a razor hat and a guy with no shirt. Hmmm nice bod but probably takes years to I'm staying lazy and out of shape I don't need a killer bod. The guy with a nice bod went to kitana......fuck he's going to kick my ass for slapping his girlfriend fuck! I scream mentally. The guy with a razor hat steps up. "You will face Shang tsung and qaun chi"Shao Kahn states as the fighters take there place. "How is that fair" I said to millena.
"Don't hate the people hate the game." She says  I face palm. "Ow" I say this is going to make me brain damage jamage. Mileena kisses my cheek and made me look at her. "Stop hurting yourself"she said
"Millena make your pet shut the fuck up before I skin him" shao Kahn said looking directly at me with some form of hate.i cower behind millena. "Leave him alone father he's just curious" millena said holding me protectively
He grumbled and focused on the fight. As we were talking the hat guy defeated the other two. "This isn't over" one of them said .a four walked out. "Who is that.....what is that?" I questioned no one,
"That's kintaro" millena told me.
"Weird"I say and lay on my back and look up into the sky. I feel millenas hand make its way to mine. I just hold it gently.
"What do you want to eat later" I asked
"You" she said
"Later.....choose a food"I said
"Haven't tried anything besides human flesh"Mileena said disappointed
"Well I guess we will have to fix that,let's see there's steak,pork,chicken,Chines food,Mexican food,Indian but my ass ai t ready,and for desert......pie no,cake,cupcakes,hmmm I don't know what you want to try." I asked
"All of it" she said
"Then the steak"
"Ok then If I get the time we will go and have a nice dinner........and I'll put a vegetable on your plate"
*millena hisses*
"You Don't know food but you hate vegetables why"
Millena grabs my face and we stare at each-other intensely "you will not put that poison on my plate"she states.
Swear I heard a snap early......,probable nothing. "What if I put corn with melted butter on it and a pinch of salt over it."

"Only if you feed me"
"Fine but your gonna have to help me get the shit" I told here
"It's a Date"she said we sit up and look at the stage to see............hat guys comes a flaming fist!

"Father?" Millena said in shock as her father fell to the ground dead

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

"Father?" Millena said in shock as her father fell to the ground dead. Everybody stood in shock. Before some got up and took shao Kahns body away. I hugged millena.she just stood there shocked. "Hey it's fine your fine" I said patting her head she just lays her head on my shoulder. I rocked her while humming before we left to are room to sleep it off

Mileena x male reader (mortal kombat)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum