How did this happen?

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She didn't know when these feelings suddenly started appearing. He just... came into her and boom. Her heart felt heavy when she was around him, pounding like drums when she saw him. That smile, his voice, his music. Ever since joining brawl stars, she had met many types of people, but none could compare to the skeleton who she had seen. It all started in a duo showdown.


It was a duo showdown, millions watched, and as the announcer said what duo teams were being put together. "Emz and Poco!" Emz looked at the musician, tuning his guitar while smiling like he always does. Emz sighed, annoyed at who she partnered up with. She had heard of him, a brawler with A LOT of trophies. Although he was quite different to the other brawlers here, Poco was kind, passionate, calm, and always willing to help others. However, Emz hadn't realised this yet as she walked up to him and yelled in a visco girl voice, "listen, i'm only here for the trophies, so like, try not to die, or I'll be SO MAD" she commanded. "Don't worry, I'll be fine, I'm the best musician in brawl stars. Plus, my star power and super will definitely help!" Poco smiled. His smile almost rivaled sans'. but unlike Sans' smile that made him look lazy during the pacifist run or the genocide run, in which he looked mad, Pocos was sweet despite not having lips and he had a warm feeling to it, like he could easily calm you down with them.

After readying up, the two landed in the bottom left corner of the safety center, quickly finding 2 power boxes, Emz easily broke her box while Poco took his time with his cause you know... his damage. "Ugh, can't you do anything" Emz groaned, "So-sorry" Poco sheepishly rubbed his head which Emz had to admit, was kinda cute. Suddenly, 2 dynamites appeared out of nowhere, a cackle of an old man followed soon behind. Emz had only taken half the damage due to her being far away from the other. "I'M GOING TO DESTROY YOU" She shouted in anger, waving her hairspray dodging every throw dynamike threw at her. She chased him around the map, far away from Poco until... TICK TICK TICK she looked behind, ticks head right behind her, "FU-" BOOM 15 Seconds until teammate respawns Poco sighed, "This is gonna be hard" Poco said after collecting the power cubes he collected from the duo he absolutely DESTROYED. Poof! Emz had respawned, and gritted her teeth. "Why weren't you with me! She yelled, her tall figure towering over poor Poco, The zombie closed her eyes for sec, before saying "It's fine, just don't do it again or I'll kill you" "Ok" Poco happily smiled

Emz didn't know why she said that, she felt guilty for screaming at him, seeing his sad expression hurt her insides as well, even as a human, she didn't care much about others, but the young musician made her feel... different. Enough with that, Emz had a showdown to win and couldn't focus on her emotions. Grabbing Pocos skeletal hand and running from the storm gas.

2 teams remaining:Bleeding and battered, Emz and Poco couldn't heal, almost every wall and bush had been destroyed, the last two enemies were bull and El Primo, both close range. That's when Poco got an idea, "Emz!"

"What?" Emz managed to sputter out, tired from the fighting

"They're close ranged brawlers, if we use your super and mine, we'll be able to run away, heal, and attack all at once!" Poco shouted

"Fine, but this better work" Emz shouted back, readying her quirk

Poof! Her purple, deadly gas came out of her spray. Damaging Bull and El Primo and slowing them down. Then, Poco and Emz just sprayed.

After clutching that win, many people congratulated them, even Bull and El Primo complimented them with that strat, "It's nothing, anyone could've done that" Poco usually said. Eventually, Emz managed to ask Poco on a date, "Of course, not as a date, I'm quite sure" Soon they became quite good friends and had a lot in common. This was when she started to get these... feelings.

Cant Help Falling in Love with You (Emz x Poco)Where stories live. Discover now