A series of boring events

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Sup, so I decided I'll try and upload more while also giving more detail and making chapters longer. Also, I'm probably never gonna do a Lemon in ANY of my stories, so yeah...

"So, any idea of what happened?" Questioned Ryan, holding a piece of rusted metal. "Careful, don't want tetanus. And yes, I do have an idea." Ryan raised an eyebrow as if asking the detective to share his idea.

"Someone hijacked this game's arena. And they were intending to kill everyone in it."

Location: Barley's Hotel

Located in a private common room, most of the brawlers stood, sat, or lay in boredom. Due to the previous events, everyone was put under lockdown, forced to stay in Barley's Hotel. It was great at first, living in a 5-star hotel, but after 3 weeks, things got incredibly boring.

"I'm so bored! Ay 8-bit will ya let me play you for a dollar?" Brock asked

"I am not a toy, and stop acting like a child!" 8-bit answered back with his speakers, another expression appearing on his screen.

"Ouch, imagine being insulted by a literal arcade game." Colt chuckled, his eyes directed at the rocket wielding brawler

"Imagine crying for your mummy at age 26! Oh wait, I don't need to, you already DO!" Brock rebutted.

"I don't do that!" Every brawler in the room, including Bull, Bibi, Bo, Nita, and Crow raised their eyebrows, Colt sheepishly tapped both of his fingers as he looked down at the floor in embarrassment. "O-ok, MAYBE I do sometimes... " and with that, the room became silent once again. Everyone did their own things while others just walked out of the lounge and walked back to their bedrooms

"Hey... I just realised Poco and Emz weren't here the entire time" Everyone went into thinking, before widening their eyes, all of them coming up with the same conclusion.

"But skeletons don't have di-"


"This was literally the first time I spoke since 3 hours ago."

Rosa was the first one to speak up, "Oh come on lads! We all know THAT'S impossible, Poco is too dense to know what doing it means."

"That would be true, but my niece isn't the same compared to Poco. I know she truly loves Poco, but... even I have to admit it, She has been a big influence to Poco, who knows what she'll do." Mortis reasoned with Rosa, shocking her and everyone else in the room.

"MORTIS! THAT'S YOUR DAMN NEICE! ARE YOU NOT WORRIED!" Pam yelled, instinctively squeezing Jesse tightly as the poor soul tried desperately to pry herself off her mother.

Mortis looked at her mostly confused but slightly angry face, before answering, "Poco, while short and sometimes annoying. Is a kind person. He's done so much to help you guys, and I'm sure he would sacrifice his life for any of you. I'm sure he has helped every single one of you, correct?"

"Well yeah but-"

"Then have some trust in him, you foul human."

The brawlers, now clearly shaken up, could only nod their heads. "I am heading to their room. Do not disturb me or them." Mortis picked up his shovel and walked out of the room.

"I couldn't be the only one who almost pissed their pants..."


"Y'know Leon, I don't think you're wrong this time."


Heading down the hallway to Poco's room, Mortis' footsteps echoed throughout the corridor, being slightly muffled by the carpet floor. Arriving at Poco's doorstep, the immortal being knocked on the door, "It is your future uncle-in-law, may I come in?" After a few seconds of silence, Mortis decided to kick the door open, which was easy due to the door being mostly made out of wood. After most of the dust had disappeared, Mortis could see a helpless and small skeleton being crushed by his niece's arms.

Cant Help Falling in Love with You (Emz x Poco)Where stories live. Discover now