"I'm fine. And you? I'm truly sorry, Safiya. I put you in danger with my selfishness," I confessed, a shiver running down my spine at the thought of what could have befallen her if she had been caught with me yesterday.

"I was genuinely worried, too. I had to return to the palace when I couldn't find you. You should be able to find your way back. Everyone is abuzz about you; you're the talk of the palace. The king's furious reaction when you were brought back sparked everyone's attention."

"I'm fine now, Safiya." I reassured her with a gentle smile, but her mention of Khalid reignited a fresh wave of confusion and concern. His unexpected care and concern lingered in my mind, stirring up a whirlwind of emotions. But deep down, I knew it was nothing more than guilt on his part. There was nothing else to it.

"He likely assumed I ran away; he wouldn't want his maid missing," I tried to reassure Safiya that there was nothing more to his actions. "I lost your brother's pass. I'm sorry; it must have fallen when I fainted."

"It's no big deal; he can always get another one," Safiya replied, her words offering a sense of comfort that I desperately needed. I pulled her into a tight embrace, grateful for her unwavering support.

I once read that change fosters growth, but I can't help but question why the gods have chosen this path for me. As I gazed at my reflection in the mirror, I couldn't help but ponder the twists and turns that life had thrown my way. My appearance mirrored the turmoil within me – disheveled, worn-out, and burdened with the weight of responsibility. Two months of pretending to be strong had taken its toll, and the absence of my family only added to my anguish. I wondered how they were coping without me, especially my father and brother. While my stepmother might revel in my absence, the thought of my father's worry tore at my heart.

Amidst this uncertainty, one thing remains clear: in any universe, I would willingly make the same choice to sacrifice myself to protect my people. Staring at my mother's red bead on my wrist, memories of her tragic end at the hands of the Egyptians igniting a surge of sorrow that I could no longer contain. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I released the pent-up emotions that had weighed heavily on me for far too long.

Awakening from my emotional release, I found the morning sun casting a warm glow through the window. Surprisingly, I felt lighter, as if a weight had been lifted from my shoulders. Perhaps crying had been the cathartic release I needed. After a refreshing bath and a change of clothes, my hair, now clean from rainwater and dirt after a proper wash, was neatly tied into a low bun. I felt rejuvenated, ready to face whatever lay ahead. 

A knock at the door caught my attention, and I couldn't help but wonder who it might be. Visitors were a rarity for me, except for Safiya, who had been here only once, as most of my time was spent with the King.

Opening the door, I found myself face-to-face with a lady I recognized as Queen Aziza's maid.

"Her Majesty is requesting your presence," she said, gesturing for me to join her as she moved aside.

Curiosity piqued, I followed the maid through the labyrinthine corridors of the palace, my mind racing with questions about the reason for the Queen's summons. Our only interaction had been when her daughter, Rehema, ran into me. From that brief encounter, I couldn't quite figure out what type of person she was, fueling my curiosity.

The palace's maze-like structure became evident as we navigated through various corridors. As we arrived at her chambers, anticipation coursed through me, eager to uncover the purpose behind this unexpected invitation. 

As her maid announced my presence, a delicate voice beckoned me to enter. Stepping into her room felt like crossing the threshold into a realm of unparalleled beauty. Mesmerizing hieroglyphics adorned the walls, casting a subtle beige hue that lent an air of elegance to the space. Luxurious chairs and couches draped in regal fabrics beckoned, while the unique interior décor added to the room's allure.

As heavy linen curtains swayed, allowing golden sunlight to dance through, the room awakened with opulent charm. What set the Queen's chambers apart from the King's was the enchanting fragrance of exotic oils and the lingering scent of incense, creating a soothing and divine atmosphere. Undoubtedly, this room embodied the essence of what a Queen's abode should be.

Seated gracefully amidst this splendor, the Queen wore a meticulously crafted red sleeveless gown, her hair cascading like a waterfall onto her shoulders. Adorned with eyeliner and blue eyeshadow, her captivating eyes sparkled with wisdom and warmth, while regal red lips spoke of confidence and authority. Precious jewels adorned her like stars against the night sky, bearing witness to the wealth and influence emanating from her regal presence.

With a welcoming smile, she motioned for me to sit beside her. The servant that led me here poured what appeared to be tea into the empty cup in front of the Queen before graciously filling my cup as well. The room bore witness to the unfolding ritual, where beauty, grace, and warmth converged in the heart of the Queen's sanctuary.

Seeing her up close, I couldn't help but notice how young she looked, almost as if we could be around the same age. "How are you feeling?" Her voice broke through my thoughts, snapping me back to the present. Confusion initially clouded my mind, but it quickly dawned on me that she was aware of yesterday's events. Safiya's words echoed in my mind, confirming that I had indeed become the subject of palace gossip.

"I feel better, Your Majesty," I respond, pondering how furious and worried the King must have been for the Queen to inquire about my health.

Lifting the teacup to her lips, she sipped delicately before gently placing it on the table. "The King and I share an unusual relationship." she began, her tone carrying a hint of intrigue. I'm technically his stepmother, yet he's older than me.  Our interactions are primarily confined to matters concerning the empire. Imagine my surprise when he approached me last night, seeking assistance on your behalf."

"Assistance on my behalf?" I questioned, my curiosity piqued.

"You should drink the tea, it's getting cold."
she deftly deflected, gracefully changing the subject. As I complied, the delightful aroma enveloped my senses, leaving me wondering about the plant from which it was made. Soon, the room was bustling with activity as servants brought in dresses, gold jewelry, and luxurious items,

"I sense you'll be reclaiming your princess role soon, and these are for you," she explained, gesturing to the items before me. My mind raced with questions, trying to make sense of the sudden changes from last night to this morning—first the King's unexpected concern, now the Queen's generosity.

"Forgive me, Your Majesty. What's the reason behind all this?" I couldn't help but ask, my curiosity getting the better of me. A warm smile graced her face as she dismissed the servants with a wave.

"I'm just following the king's orders; anyone important to him is important to me, though I admit I have selfish reasons. The palace can get lonely despite having all the wealth, power, and affluence befitting a queen dowager. I want to have you by my side."

As I studied her face, I couldn't help but sense a hint of loneliness—an emotion I knew all too well. The palace may appear magnificent to the outside world, but for those who reside within its walls, it can be a treacherous place where trust is scarce, and vulnerability is a luxury one cannot afford.

A soft smile formed on my lips, silently conveying my understanding to her. However, as thoughts of my reinstated status swirled in my mind, lingering questions remained. Would I be granted the freedom to choose my own path, return home, or would I remain confined within the palace walls as a mere pawn in the game of politics?

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