His response caught me off guard, and his His response left me reeling, as if I had stepped into an alternate reality where the King was an entirely different person. Was I dreaming? I found myself ensnared in a trance, our gazes locked in a silent exchange that stretched on for what felt like an eternity. I couldn't help but marvel at his features—the intense warmth of his brown eyes, the subtle curve of his lips that beckoned with a magnetic pull.

My eyes wandered down his frame, tracing the contours of his form beneath the fabric of his clothing. An inexplicable urge surged within me, a desire to reach out and feel the solid strength of his chest beneath my fingertips. What was I thinking? Had I lost my senses, or had I hit my head somewhere?

Shaking off the unsettling thoughts, I forced myself to look away, clearing my throat to dispel the tension that hung between us. "The healer emphasized the importance of rest for your recovery," the King remarked with genuine concern, his voice breaking through the silence.

"Why do you care?" The question slipped from my lips before I could stop it, my confusion mounting at his unexpected display of concern.

"What do you mean?" Khalid's brow furrowed in confusion, his gaze searching mine for answers.

"Forgive me, Your Majesty," I hastily amended, a flicker of apprehension creeping into my voice. "In our last encounter, you threatened my life. Now, it seems you're concerned about my well-being."

He fell silent, his expression inscrutable as he drew closer, his hand gently enveloping mine. "I don't want you to get hurt," he confessed softly, his touch sending a shiver down my spine as his knuckles brushed against my cheek with a feather-light caress.

Breathing became a struggle, my pulse quickening at his proximity. Sensing my unease, I edged away slightly, wary of the potent emotions stirring within me.

"Can you fill me in on how I ended up changed? I'm beginning to consider the unimaginable," I admitted, swallowing hard as I sought to maintain a semblance of composure.

"Perhaps the unimaginable is precisely what occurred," Khalid replied with a sly smirk, a hint of mischief dancing in his captivating gaze. My bewilderment must have been written plainly on my face, for he quickly reassured me, "Relax, a maid switched you into another dress; the one you had on was soaked."

I sighed with relief, unable to fathom the unthinkable scenario. Performing a curtsey, I readied to exit his room and uncover what had transpired with Safiya. "Where are you heading?" he inquired.

"Back to my room," I responded, taking a deep breath. "Thank you for your care, but I'm feeling better now."

"You should continue to rest until the healers say otherwise. Once you've fully recovered, feel free to leave; it's still dawn," he insisted firmly.

"I'm genuinely fine. I'll bring your breakfast shortly."

"Forget it. Please, just rest, alright? I don't understand why you're so stubborn," he urged with a sigh, his concern etched across his features. I offered a strained smile before slipping out of his room. I forced a grin and exited his room.

Outside, Khufu awaited me, concern etched on his face as he recounted how he had found me in the rain. Expressing my gratitude, I vowed to repay his kindness, realizing how dire the situation could have become if he hadn't come to my aid when he did.

I found her pacing anxiously at the entrance to the kitchen, her features illuminated by the soft glow of the palace torches. Relief flooded through me at the sight of Safiya, my heart swelling with gratitude. Her eyes scanned me from head to toe as I approached, her voice trembling with worry. "Thank the gods! Are you alright? I searched everywhere for you."

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