She walked over to to the strange hidden thing. She tapped it and moved it around with her foot before she seemed to recognise it. She picked it up in her mouth and carried it to your lap.

"Tepig!" She smiled. She trotted over to her pokeball and pressed the button.

You pick up the device. It was black and you could open it to see two screens. The bottom part of it could be pulled out to reveal a keyboard. It had multiple buttons and a stylus holder with a black stylus.

There was writing beneath the bottom screen. 'C l e s a h I e roto ' Was that the name of the device? What a strange name. Clesahle roto. Or Cles ahleroto? Or Clesahleroto?

Perhaps turning on the device would yield some answers. You pressed the power button. The two screens showed white. Then, the bottom screen started to glitch frantically. Had the device been damaged? Buttons appeared on screen but only three appeared unglitched.


You tapped [Pokémon]. The screen changed. Three buttons, one of each of the starters appeared. Tapping their buttons revealed the pokemons stats and known moves. They were all level 1 and knew tackle. Stats were perfect. Information on how you two first met and what level was blank. Nature, except for Tepig, was blank.

Tepig's nature was Hasty.

You excited out and returned to what you assumed was the main menu.

You tap the pokédex icon. A few moments pass as it loads before you are greeted with a blank pokédex. Only 4 entries were registered. Snivy, Oshawott, Tepig and Kyurem.

You scrolled down to Kyurem's. Pass the many many blank entries that had not been filled. Till you stopped at it's entry. You open it and read the pokédex entry.

'This legendary ice pokémon waits to see what future you will bring.'

You won't let it down. You will find him.

You exited out and returned to the main menu. You were about to press the third and final button when something hit you in the back. You fell forward, your mask slipping off your face.

The pidove flew up. Preparing its next attack. The device screen light up. Information on the attacking pokemon filled the screen.

Pidove. Lv 16.

Your body was no longer your own. It was reaching for the pokeballs. You forced it back.

[^#@^#& refused to send out pokemon!]

You pushed yourself up. Your face exposed. The pidove let out a loud frightened cry. You saw your mask beneath you. You scrambled to put it back on. You barely had time to duck out of the way of the Air cutter attack the bird pokémon threw at you. You held onto the device and your bag.

The pokémon moved in for another quick attack. You scrambled to your feet. Ran. Dodging the pokemon by a centimetre.

[@&&#&@; tried to run away!]

Your pokémon were all lv 1. Could you even beat a lv 16 pokemon with just the three of them?

[Couldn't escape!]

The pidove didn't give up. It chased after you. Squawking and screaming. Another quick attack hit you in the back. You could taste blood as you fell down.

[Gym leader Burgh sent out Levanny!]

"Levanny! Quickly!" A male voice cried.

They had destroyed his gym

Ai ajuns la finalul capitolelor publicate.

⏰ Ultima actualizare: Jun 16, 2020 ⏰

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