The perks of being a popstars ''Bestfriend''

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* Flashback *

 Ugh another day spent cleaning beer cans, food and dishes from Bens party. I'm just afraid i'm not going to finish it before he'll come back.

When I almost finished I heard a door open. I looked at Ben and he seemed to had a really bad day. My plate slipped from my wet hands and it crashed in to pieces. I looked at Ben and he had a really angry expresion on his face, before he could say anything I started picking up pieces and saying ''I'm sorry, i'm sorry, it wont happen again'' I got a cut on my hands and I started whiping my blood against a towel ''What are you doing you incapable bitch?'' He rushed to me ''I'm sorry I didn't mean to'' ''I'm going to make sure you dont duh'' and he slapped me ''Please stop, I promise it wont happen again'' ''Liar'' he slammed my head against the wall ''Are you going to do that ever again?'' he wispered ''N-no'' ''Oh you're gonna? Too bad'' and he slammed me again he pushed me on the floor and kicked me in my ribs ''I'm going to be in my room'' he said slamming the door of his bedroom. I felt the pain all over my body and blood dripping from my palm. This always happend. 

*end of flashback*

I sheed a tear from the memories, closing my baggage and running to the doors. It's 9 pm and he gets home in an hour. I left a note on his bed and rushed outt the doors. I got to a park and sat on a swing. I pulled out my phone and texted Lucy, my best friend. I heard a manly voice

''What's a lovely lady like you doing here?'' uhh fuck, I didn't look behind because I was scared and a boy sat in the other swing

''Uhh, swingin' ''

''Well duuh' I heard him smile

. ''So, you're one of those who come here to sort out their thoughts?'' thats when I looked at him, he was about 19 and had perfect cheek lines, he must have pretty eyes too, but I dont see them quite ''Take a picture, it lasts longer'' I smiled

''No, I'm not here to sort out my thoughts, and you?''

''Well, I like to take long walks'' I nodded. We talked a little and then my phone ranged, it was Lucy

''Hi bitch'' I smiled

''Whatsupppppppp gurl, listen I'm not home right now, I'm at my uncles, so I can't pick you up, sorry, do you have a place to stay for a week?''

''Uh, it's alright, I mean it's not ur foult, I'll figure something out''

''Okay, sorry again, see you in a week, call me bye''

''Bye bye'' I think the boy noticed my mood change.

''What's wrong?''

''Uh, nothing I just don't have a place to stay, guess I need to go back to my ex'

' ''Auch''

''Wow, you're great at advices!'' I laughed

''I'm Josh, by the way''


''So you said you haven't got a place to stay?''

''True dat'' ''What would you say about staying with me?'' I was shocked

''I-I don't know, we're practicly strangers''

''We're not strangers, you know my name dont you?'' he smiled

''Uhm I don't know if I should take this as a nice offer or a really pervert thing''

''Oh c'moon''

''Okaaay calm yo tits bro, haven't you got family or something, I would be disturbing them''

''Nah, my brother's at college and my dad and mom are on a vacation ''

''Why are you doing this?'' I smiled at his kindness

''My social teacher gave us homework to do something nice'' but then I serious'd

''And I thought you were being nice!'' I punched his shoulder, he burst out laughing

''I'm kidding I'm kidding'' he defended himself ''Well, he did, but I would offer you to stay anyways''.

* many minutes later *

''NO I'm not going in that scary fricking gorillas fur'' I pointed at a nearby woods

''For the tenth time, it's not as scary as it seems, and it's a 2-3 minute walk''

''For the tenth time, I'm still not going'' ''Come on, I'll give you a piggy back''

''Oh sure, a piggy back with one girl and 2 full bags, smartass''

''Well you could at least hold my hand'' he pointed out his palm

''Ugh okay'' I grabbed his hand, making a angry face

''Aww you're cute when you're mad''

''Cute ah? Well I'm about to get fucking adorable'' he laughed, despite I got that from tumblr.

We finally got to his house. It's a normal british cosy home.

''This is my bed'' he said jumping on a bed, positioning himself like a model, he even did a duck face

''Nice Josh, nice'' I rolled my eyes, laughing in the process

''And this is yours'' pointing on the same bed, but with different sheets. Batman sheets.

''Where's the bathroom?''I ask

''Right here my lovely gal' ''

''Okay, thanks, see ya'' I closed the door and turned the shower up. I dried my hair with a towel and started blow drying it, only being in my underwear I saw the door open.

''Please don't come in, please dont come in'' I repeted, because if I would try to stop it I would fall. The door opened fully and it was Josh peeking in

''I jus- OH sorry I thought you were done, because you were blowdrying your hair'' His eyes widened when he saw my bruise. I quickly grabbed a towel. ''What happend?'' he asked, and I'm not sure I'm ready to tell anyone about my past.

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