I've Got No Strings

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"The ponies are not puppets," Honest John continued. "But one of them is a really good dancer."

Tender demonstrated his tap dancing which surprised Stromboli, as he turned to the filly.

"And what can you do?" He asked.

"Well, I can sing and dance too," Apple Bloom said. "A little."

"I promise you, Stromboli, it's no joke this time," The fox said. "You can earn lots of money with these three. Eh, Giddy."

The cat nodded nervously, without saying a word. The puppet master pondered deeply until...

"Very well, then. Here's your money."

Stromboli removed a small bag of coins from inside his red belt, handing it to the fox. Before John could grab, he reeled it back till they were face-to-face.

"But if I find out you're playing tricks with me again... I'll search the entire town for you and that imbecile cat of yours and crush-a you like tomatoes!"

"Yes, understood," The fox tipped his hat, wiping his brow. "You won't regret this."

Stromboli gave him the money, which the fox gladly took.

"Well then, good day, Stromboli," Honest John said, while he and his partner walked away. "Good luck, children! And remember..."

An actor's life for me..."

"Bye, Mr. Honest John," Pinocchio waved.

"Goodbye," Tender and Apple Bloom waved.

Once the two were far in the distance, their song fading, the trio turned toward the puppet master.

"So, children..." Stromboli spoke, gruffly yet friendlier. "Ever been on stage before?"

"Uh-Uh," Pinocchio shook his head.

"Me and Tender have," Apple Bloom said.

"I still haven't gotten over my stage fright," Tender admits. "But I'll do my best."

"It's okay, uh, what are your names?" Stromboli asked.

"My name is Tender Taps," The little colt said.

"Apple Bloom," The little filly greeted.

"Pinocchio," The puppet said, tipping his hat.

"Very well then. Everybody can have stage fright in some moments, my little Tender Taps. The best way to conquer it is to pretend that everybody is in-a their underwear."

"Underwear... Never thought of that before," Tender said. "Course, we ponies don't normally wear clothes but that's something I've got to learn."

"Come inside," The Puppet Master instructed, opening the door. "I'm going to give a show tonight and I want it to be perfect."

The ponies and puppet entered the caravan; Stromboli went last and shut the door. From a corner, our Equestrian heroes saw everything.

"Did you see that?" Rainbow asked.

"That Honest John sold the kids to the puppet master for money!" Jiminy answered.

"No, I mean, did you see how big that guy was? He's so fat he shouldn't even fit in his caravan! It's a surprise he can."

"Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!" Pinkie laughed at Rainbow's joke.

Every pony and the cricket glared at her, till she stopped laughing.

"I know... 'Cruel joke, Pinkie'."

"We got to get Pinocchio, Apple Bloom and Tender away from that man!" Applejack insists.

The Disney Chronicles II: PinocchioWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu