☺️pool hang out part.1️⃣

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I texted Jared.
Y/n🥵:Can you take me home pls🥺
Jared💋:Of course
Y/n🥵:I would walk but I have this thing after school

At my house*
We park in front of my house.
Thoughts 💭*
He seems bothered should I ask him about it or should I wait for him to say som-

Jared:So who's place you hanging out at.I blush.
Thoughts 💭*
It seems like he cares,but maybe it's because he wants me to be safe.
Y/n:Well I'm hanging with Vallyk,Mattia,Kobe,Mike and Derek.
Jared:Oh.He looked disappointed.
Y/n:If you want we can hang out after.He seemed really happy about that.
Jared:Ok,sure so I'll see you when?
Y/n:At 5-ish.
Jared:Where,mine or yours?I laugh after he seemed confused.
Y/n:Like I have already said I still do not know if your murderer or a stalker.I say jokeingly.
Jared:Well I know where you live now.
Y/n:Well can you pick me up after.I say as I grab my bag.
Jared:Ok then see you then.
Y/n:I'll text you.I say before closing his car door.
I walk into my house my dad wasn't home (he has a day job,he works all day as a mechanic)I call him to tell him that I'm going to be hanging out with my new friends today.
D:Hey honey how was school.
Y/n:It was good I made some new friends.
D:So you like it here.
Y/n:Definitely,and I'm actually going to hang out with them today.
D:That's good to hear honey but I need to get back to work,make sure to call me when you get home.
Y/n:I will dad,love you bye.
D:Love you,bye
Call ended*
I went up stairs and chose a swimsuit to go to the pool hang out and did your hair.

D:Love you,byeCall ended*I went up stairs and chose a swimsuit to go to the pool hang out and did your hair

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(This is the swimsuit your wearing ^^^)

 (The hairstyle you did ^^^^^)And wore no makeup just some lipgloss

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(The hairstyle you did ^^^^^)
And wore no makeup just some lipgloss.
I decide to put my swimsuit under my clothes they were a white hoodie and some white joggers.
I grabbed my bag and phone and walk out of the house and locked it,I started to walk to Kobe's house.
Thoughts 💭*
I'm so exited kinda shy tho because I'm a little insecure but I want to be brave I guess,but I think they're all so kind and genuine so there's no reason to be awkward around them.

I get to his house finally it was such a nice house I go up to the door and knocked.
Derek's POV:
There was a knock at the door we were all there except from y/n and vallyk.I answers the door.
Thoughts 💭*
She looks so beautiful jeez,I know I've only known her for a day but I kinda have the f-

Y/n:You gonna let me in or what?She said and then laughed.
Me:Yeah,uh come in.I say as I move out of the way.She walks through the door.
Back to y/n's POV*
I walk through the door and see everyone's here except from Vallyk.
K:Hey y/n!!

He says leaning in for a hug,I hug him.I look around Mike and Mattia were sat in the living room(I don't know what you call them it's baciacly a living area were your sofa and tv is).

Y/n:Hey everyone.
m:Hey y/n.He said flirtatiously I looked down and rolled my eyes.No one noticed.
Y/n:So are we waiting for Vallyk or something or should I go change.I say to cut the silence.
m:I could show you to the bathroom if you want.He said walking up to me and winking.
Y/n:No it's fine,Derek can you show me wear the bathroom is?I say rudely to Mattia and
then in a flirty voice say the last part.
Derek looked shocked I just stood there smiling at him.
D:Yeah follow me.
He leads me to the bathroom up stairs before I can go in he says.
D:What was that about.He said confused.
Y/n:Mattia he was just annoying me so I tried flirting with you,sorry if I confused you.He looked disappointed.
D:oh,ok then.

He tries walking away and back down stairs I grab his arm.
Y/n:y'know I'm not into him right.I say trying to hint to him that I kinda like him.
D:Who do you like?He said and thought he knew who I was gonna say.
Y/n:I-i like-

Sorry I just felt like leaving this on a cliffhanger anyways thx so much for 117 reads I appreciate the time you took out of your day to read this xx💋

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