The Phantoms of the Opera

Start from the beginning

"I was speaking with The Opera Ghost. He told me his story and, my, it is fascinating! You are so lucky to have such a housemate!" Christine gushed. The Phantom grunted, put the packages at her feet, and stormed off into the other room. The organ was heard seconds later. "Whatever can be wrong with him?" Christine wondered. The Opera Ghost shrugged, "One cannot know."

Christine wondered why the Phantom was so crabby but didn't press the matter.

Things continued that way, Christine and the Opera Ghost talking and laughing. They became the closest of friends. Inseparable, even.

Together, they pranked Carlotta; leaving a puddle of goop for her to step in. Beneath that puddle was a rope that would tighten around her leg, pick her up, and leave her hanging upside down. How she screamed and squealed. How Christine and The Opera Ghost laughed.

The Next day, they stole money from the managers—who had nearly gone mad from the last time The Opera Ghost and Phantom stole from them.

The Phantom continued to become more and more crabby when he saw Christine and The Opera Ghost together; becoming irritable and snappy towards Christine. He also yelled at The Opera Ghost a lot. Every time that happened, Christine would step in front of The O. G. and tell The Phantom off, telling him not to be mean.

Over her shoulder, The Opera Ghost would just smile smugly at The Phantom, perfectly content and aware of the situation. The Phantom would glare at them both and then storm off.

This was beginning to occur more and more often.

One day, Christine and The Opera Ghost were out in the wooded area behind the Opera House.

They got lost, and couldn't figure out how to get back. "I suppose we must wait here, no? I mean, we are going to have to wait until Erik misses us and comes and finds us." From the tone of his voice, Christine could tell that The Opera Ghost wasn't sorry at all that they were lost and alone together.

"You did this on purpose!" Christine accused in mock anger. "Who, me? Now, Christine, why would I ever do a thing like that?" The Opera Ghost asked innocently. Christine rolled her eyes at his antics. "Did we bring something to eat, at least?" Christine asked. "I did not...", The Opera Ghost replied, "Did you?"

"No..." Christine sighed.

"Well, we must think of a way to pass the time, then."

"I suppose so..." Christine sighed again.

Hours later.

The Phantom dashed through the forest, searching frantically for Christine. Where could she be?!

Finally he came upon where The Opera Ghost and Christine were.

What he saw infuriated him. Christine was curled up in the lap of the other Erik, who was also asleep and holding her terribly protectively.

"WHAT IS GOING ON?!!!?" The Phantom roared, waking both Christine and The Opera Ghost. They sleepily stood up and tottered over to where the Phantom was standing. "We got lost, and then fell asleep..." Christine murmured tiredly, staggering forward. She made one final attempt to walk, then collapsed into the arms of The Phantom. The Phantom smiled softly as he picked Christine up and started walking back towards the Opéra Populaire.

He held her close to him, fearing that perhaps she would disappear if he slackened his hold.

"I think I am in love with Christine Daaé." The Opera Ghost said to the Phantom of the Opera. He turned his head sharply, then started walking faster. "Why are you walking" The Opera Ghost asked as he sprinted to catch up with the Phantom. "So I can get her home and then deal with you." The Phantom replied shortly.

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